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LED Backup Lights


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July 19, 2018
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2021 PIU

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There's a thread in the retail discussion section.

When I looked at them, the LEDs seem brighter when looking at them, but in terms of how well they light up the area compared to the incandescents, they didn't seem any better (some actually seem like they are worse).

I asked for comparison pics, but I don't believe anyone has posted any yet.

I suppose for twenty bucks for the pair, it's worth a shot.

LED's can be an improvement, but as KayGee stated that isn't always the case. However I am a big supporter of LED's in general and I say definitely upgrade. However don't cheap out or you won't get the results you're hoping for.

LED's can be an improvement, but as KayGee stated that isn't always the case. However I am a big supporter of LED's in general and I say definitely upgrade. However don't cheap out or you won't get the results you're hoping for.

What brand would you recommend?

Here's the thread with the one before/after pic I posted showing the light output, but none yet from any others here that have installed them - LED Back-up lights

Everyone seems to like to take pics of the lights themselves to show they are brighter/whiter than incandescent bulbs, but very few, if any, take before and after comparison pics of the actual light output.

I have had LEDs inside and outside my house for years - I am in the process of converting my last few halogen shop lights in the garage and basement to LED. All of my flashlights and weaponlights have been LED for years. All of my trailers have LED lighting. I find the low beam LED headlights on the 16/17 PIU to be pretty darn good. The only area where things are a crapshoot with LED is when the housing and reflector are optimized for a different type of bulb/light source. It can be, and often is, a crapshoot as to what the light output will look like if you just swap an LED for an incandescent bulb. You may need to try a few different types to see if the light output is same, better, or worse. If you've ever done any LED retrofits to flashlights you'd know.

As far as vehicles, I have converted a few brake and turns to LED because they do light micro seconds quicker than an incandescent and can be brighter to others, so I think they are good from a safety perspective, but the few reverse leds I tried didn't seem to make much of a difference to me and I haven't gone down the rabbit hole of really testing a bunch of different LED reverse lights myself. I may end up looking for some auxillary reverse LEDs to mount by the license plate or hitch as those will really provide usable light - question is whether to wire them to the existing reverse lights or put them on one of the aux switches for manual control.

Whatever you or anyone here ends up buying, make sure to take and post before and after pics that show if the light output behind the vehicle is better/same/worse.

I went with the nuclear option and installed some VLED V6 Tritons. They actually put out some decent light and make the taillight flasher much more effective.

I went with the nuclear option and installed some VLED V6 Tritons. They actually put out some decent light and make the taillight flasher much more effective.
V6 TRITON 5K / 6K WHITE 7440? Holy $@%#&@%&! Retail price of $130/pair!

Any chance you have some pics comparing the light output before and after the swap?

Installed the Sylvania 7440 LEDs. Definitely look a lot better, as for road illumination, I'd say about the same as before.

V6 TRITON 5K / 6K WHITE 7440? Holy $@%#&@%&! Retail price of $130/pair!

Any chance you have some pics comparing the light output before and after the swap?

I don't unfortunately. If I have time maybe I'll put the stock back in and get some pictures. I went from stock which was ok at best, to Phillips LED which was useless for backing up but crisper flashing, to these which are actually usable. If I was forced to be critical they project a little high but again since they are used with the tallight flasher it's a flamethrower to approaching cars.

If you have a hitch I’d consider one of the slide in hitch flood lights. Powered through the tow harness and very bright.

I don't unfortunately. If I have time maybe I'll put the stock back in and get some pictures. I went from stock which was ok at best, to Phillips LED which was useless for backing up but crisper flashing, to these which are actually usable. If I was forced to be critical they project a little high but again since they are used with the tallight flasher it's a flamethrower to approaching cars.
The main reason the LED bulbs don't project light the same distance is because of the nature of the light source compared to a halogen bulb. LED may be brighter but distance is a downfall in some cases when using a housing not designed for their use.


LEDs have came a long way, but are still very directional.

The main reason the LED bulbs don't project light the same distance is because of the nature of the light source compared to a halogen bulb. LED may be brighter but distance is a downfall in some cases when using a housing not designed for their use.

Huh? Absent a reflector, light projects pretty much the same form every light source. You would need a housing/reflector to alter the output and make it more usable for a specific purpose (i.e. spot or focused beam).

Brightness isn't a function of the type of light source. Brightness is measured in lumens, so a 50 lumen LED is the same brightness as any other 50 lumen bulb (incandescent/halogen/other). The only way an LED would be brighter than any other bulb is if it had a higher lumen output.

Not talking about brightness but distance using the OEM housing. The Halogen bulb produces light from all sides whereas LED ones usually have a particular area that produces the light. That results in the housing producing different patterns. This can be seen in one of the pictures posted in the Forum where an LED backup light although brighter, doesn't have quite the same lighting distance of the OEM halogen.


LEDs will function differently then halogens, since they are going through the factory housings. This is the same reason some “brighter” LED headlights don’t actually produce much better results in headlights not designed for them.

The ONLY place that I have dealt with for many years because of the quality of their products AND their support is a place called superbrightleds.com . I just put in an order for ALL of the bulbs to be changed to LED about 10 minutes ago!

V6 TRITON 5K / 6K WHITE 7440? Holy $@%#&@%&! Retail price of $130/pair!

Any chance you have some pics comparing the light output before and after the swap?

Not quite dead thread revival but...

I recently did a complete VLED switch over. The clear diffusor over the LED emitter allows it to produce the same effect as a filament bulb.

I'll save the post install review for a different thread, however, the V6 White 5K actually lets me see behind me, so yeah, worth it in my opinion.
