LED rear lights? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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LED rear lights?

Does anyone know of any LED rear lights for a 98 Explorer??

Failing that I was thinking about getting some clear/black altezza style and throwing some LED bulbs in instead...


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  • W_RL (4).jpg
    W_RL (4).jpg
    39.3 KB · Views: 444

The chances of finding something in the UK is rather rare.. .I've got more chance of a first class cruise on the Titanic!!

I'll just have to wait till someone in the US or Australia makes something...


I don't think that should cause a problem with the idea that I had... they make LED rear lights for other fords over here, just not the one I drive lol


I have clear/black tails, and the LED bulbs just werent bright enough to use with them. So, I got some regular amber bulbs and put some red bulb condoms on them. I used the amber bulbs because if you put the covers on clear bulbs, they produce pink light. THe covers with the amber bulbs are just as bright and colored as my stock tails.

I am also looking for some for a 2000 Explorer.

another issue is the amber turn signal... red ones aren't really legal over here....


got an 03 X and I would like to get some LED corners and tails... anyone know anything? Would like to look to keep it as origonal as possible... ideas?

got an 03 X and I would like to get some LED corners and tails... anyone know anything? Would like to look to keep it as origonal as possible... ideas?

that should help for the tails.

also in clear and black.

I am def going for the first pic. like factory style but still led. would like to see it lit up... maybe when i get it! thanks!
