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New Tail Lights

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they are pretty cool but some LED tail lights i have seen on some cars are not as bright as stock. But if you want them go for it. If i wanted my X to look more streetie i might get them but i am more into the offroad.

they're only "LED look" not actually LED, they use normal bulbs. so that should be ok.

I like the combination of street/off road look.. rugged but classy.. if that makes sense.. and the tail lights now are starting to look dated, I wanna freshen it up a bit without trading it in...


Not bad lookin'. A bit too flashy for my tastes, but they do look cool.

No, no, no, no a thousand times. Altezza taillights are so tacky, especially those. Your truck will look so much better WITHOUT them. Keep the stockers, man.

did u get them already and r they installed and do u got pics of them installed

I've always thought the OEM Tail Lights looked great, segmented and bright.
How about adding in high output bulbs in the OEM Tail lights.

My vote is "NO" but if it floats your boat then who are we to tell you not to do it.

Don't like them, at all..

No, no, no, no a thousand times. Altezza taillights are so tacky, especially those. Your truck will look so much better WITHOUT them. Keep the stockers, man.

Don't like them, at all..

Agreed! I almost bought them because I never read the word "style" If they were real LED's I would have bought them...

they are pretty cool but some LED tail lights i have seen on some cars are not as bright as stock. But if you want them go for it. If i wanted my X to look more streetie i might get them but i am more into the offroad.

And LED's are way brighter then a bulb. UNLESS there the ****ty LED bulbs from WalMart but anything that is Stock or nicely costume made will be very bright. I'm going to custom make mine I will make a thread them there done. Keep an eyes out :salute:Cheers

not got them yet, I'm still in Canada till next month.

I'm hoping to see some in the flesh while I'm over here before I commit..

