led tails | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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led tails


Well-Known Member
June 3, 2004
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clovis california
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 xlt 2wd
hey i got my new led taillights and i need help i know i need to install a load resistor to get them to flash because they dont right now. does and one have a diagram and the type of resistor that i need thanks a bunch

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they should flash fast..if they arent flashing at all you have a problem.

they arent flashing at all but i know some people have some that didnt flash and they got them to work

What kind of LEDs did you get? Im trying to decide which ones would be the best for my use. I want to put some in the rear turn signals, but I also want to entire lens to be filled with light. Im interested to see what kind you have and what others may have as well.


doesnt sound right, if they dont flash it sounds liek they are the wrong bulb or installed wrong.... thats dumb too, all the led bulbs i have ever seen came with the proper resistors in them so they wouldnt be all retarded....

to tell u the truth im not sure which brand they are. but in my x the tail light is only one bulb it is the brake and turn signal combined when i hit my brakes the led gets brighter. im not sure how u sec gen x's work but im sure that these bulbs will blink if i can find the right resistor

Go to www.superbrightleds.com They sell the correct resistors. You install them across the flasher wires or the flasher hot wire and vehicle ground. (Same thing.) These are the dummy load resistors to "fool" the flasher/bulb monitor computers but your turn signals should be flashing very fast without the resistor.

hmm thats wired even in first gens peoples led flashes fast? good thing i got those for free.
