led turn signals | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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led turn signals


New Member
January 17, 2014
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warren, mi
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 explorer xlt
ive upgraded to led turnsignals i also replaced the relay with one from http://www.ryderfleetproducts.com/r...earchCriteria=0&searchType=5&fullSentence=yes the flash is right but they are not very bright i changed to led thinking they would compliment my 4300k hid's but you can barely see them am i going about this wrong some how or does anyone have a solution? what have some of you guys done? ive upgraded all my lights inside and out to hid or led i hate to revert back to stock turn signals PLEASE HELP!!!

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Good-New-31...rd|Model:Explorer&hash=item5afa6625b6&vxp=mtr these r the same lights im running

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What type of led bulb did u get and from where?

I agree with DJBom. Those bulb are surely bright, but in some States, they are banning them due to safety issue. So I replaced mine with higher wattage halogen bulb. Bought a Deezee brand from 4wheelonline. Not as bright as led but works better compared to oem bulbs.

I agree with DJBom. Those bulb are surely bright, but in some States, they are banning them due to safety issue. So I replaced mine with higher wattage halogen bulb. Bought a Deezee brand from 4wheelonline. Not as bright as led but works better compared to oem bulbs.

DjDom* ;)

I find that my factory front turn signals are ridiculously bright.. When I have my flashers on, they light up signs that are quite a distance away.


i just bought 2 sets of these for my 3rd gen, one set for the reverse lights and one set for the break/turn signals/running lights.

the reverse work fine, but the break/turn/running socket burned them up immediately...smoke and all. going to return them to amazon and get a refund im just sumped as it says theyre 3157, and have the "dual filament" design with 2 sets of leads as opposed to the one set of leads on the single filament reverse lights

any input?
