Left front wheel hub replacement. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Left front wheel hub replacement.


New Member
October 9, 2009
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City, State
Austin, AR
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLT
I have a 2003 XLT 2WD, and the left front wheel bearing is loose. I understand that you have to replace the entire hub. The job looks pretty easy, pull the caliperoff, pull the rotor off, take the three bolts and the anti
-lock brake sesnor wire off the back of the hub, then put the new one on. Is it really this easy or am I missing something. It rained here all day so I didn't get a good look at it. Thanks for any help.

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welcome to the site

It was that easy. $200 and about 90 minutes of my time and the job is done.:)

Hey... welcome... yea my brother and I did both front wheelbearings on my 97 in about an hour.

ir really is that easy, that is all the parts that have to come off, ,
just make sure everything goes back on tight,,,

that is good to hear the fronts aint that tough:thumbsup:.

Why are the rears so hard to do?

(my 04 hasnt had a problem with wheel bearings yet/knock on wood)
