life beyond 200k? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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life beyond 200k?


January 21, 2002
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City, State
Detroit, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Explorer Sport
I just turned over 200,000 miles on my 02 Limited.

I just had the tranny rebuilt with a new servo installed.
(My buddy owns a shop, so the bite was not so bad)
Timing chain tensioner replaced around 65K.
Rear diff was done around 80k.
Rear wheel bearings replaced around 120k.
Truck has been serviced regularly. I always use Mobil1.

I am going to put in new spark plugs this week.
The timing chain is starting to rattle again.
Should I repair the tensioner again?
Does the timing chain itself need to be replaced?

Appearance wise, the truck could almost pass for showroom condition. Only two tiny barely noticeable door dings. Interior is perfect. I figure a few bucks for maintenance is still cheaper than a monthly payment.
Am I crazy to keep this vehicle?

What kinds of life beyond 200k are the 02’s seeing?

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I think it is great that you are running the truch past 200k. I also own an '02 Explorer Limited. Mine only has 45k miles. I'd like to make it to 200k miles as we have decided to hang on to it.

Thats great news!!! I hope that is all I'll need to do to mine for that kinda miles, Already have the trans done, the rear end, plugs next week, i'll have to look into those tensioners though!!

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My '02 Limited 4.6 AWD is coming up on 90K miles, has had front wheel bearings, a 4x4 control module, tires, brake pads, and battery, and needs rear AC blend door actuator motor replaced (putting this one off out of dread). Within the next 10K miles it will get new plugs.

It has the rear diff whine, but has had since about new and not getting worse. Had the tranny reprogrammed at 30K miles. I am pretty **** about maintenance.

Other than that it is nearly showroom condition. I am currently considering keeping it to 200K or until I leave the islands (too expensive to ship a vehicle of lesser value). Still a very comfortable, reliable, and safe vehicle. Not great mileage, but I can put a lot of gas in it for the price of an equivalent replacement vehicle.

I am considering adding a solenoid pack replacement and shift kit to the tranny just for insurance against the expensive and frequent failures experienced by others.


Just to follow up, I am not sure that I have heard of one with >200K miles yet. That is a lot of miles for an '02.

However, since you do not list many repairs to date, I am assuming that the miles were predominately highway easy driving miles. If not, I feel for you.

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My '02 Limited 4.6 AWD is coming up on 90K miles, has had front wheel bearings, a 4x4 control module, tires, brake pads, and battery, and needs rear AC blend door actuator motor replaced (putting this one off out of dread). Within the next 10K miles it will get new plugs.

It has the rear diff whine, but has had since about new and not getting worse. Had the tranny reprogrammed at 30K miles. I am pretty **** about maintenance.

Other than that it is nearly showroom condition. I am currently considering keeping it to 200K or until I leave the islands (too expensive to ship a vehicle of lesser value). Still a very comfortable, reliable, and safe vehicle. Not great mileage, but I can put a lot of gas in it for the price of an equivalent replacement vehicle.

I am considering adding a solenoid pack replacement and shift kit to the tranny just for insurance against the expensive and frequent failures experienced by others.
hold off on that...only those manufactured after may of '02 get the bad might have to worry about broken bands if it was manufactured before may '02....just becareful on what you change for preventative and do some search to find out when your truck was built...goodluck!!!

with 200k you know regular maintenance does pay off....i had a 96 town car...was my dads work car....had 400,000 k...gave it up for my 02 ex...keep the ex till she goes..especially if its running strong...

my '91 ex has 400k on it, and I religiously maintain it...runs like a dream as if it were brand new, mind you the tranny has trouble shifting in the cold till it warms up

very impressive with the 200k. it seems to me like the 02s have enough faults to make it worth getting rid of before 200k, but you've obviously taken enough care with it to make it cost-effective. congrats.

I have a 95 XLT with 295k on it.Trans all orignal and still working fine,as as the engine except intake gaskets.A pair of front wheel bearings brakes and tires.I plan to buy a 2003 or 2004 soon, My wife says I should keep it till at least 300k,which will only be acouple of months.

I am at 117k on my 02 Limited. So far so good. I plan on keeping it as long as I can. All I have done to it so far is routine maintenance like transmission fluid and differential changes, oil changes, etc. I did have to replace the ignition switch because it fell apart.

thats nice to hear from all of you !... im **** about my 04 xlt and my 03 grand prix , theyre always garaged kept clean and see nothing but mobil 1 fluids that are religiously drained .
a waste of money ?...perhaps ...but i like knowing i can drive em 200k if i so choose .
a case in point was my 85 buick park ave that had 285k on it with nothin but a timing chain replaced ..and still didnt use oil when i sold it .

