Lifted Sport Tracs Picture Thread! | Page 87 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lifted Sport Tracs Picture Thread!

Clearance lights look great!! A nice addition to your tank!

Checked out the Champion Mill today -


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Whoa dude, your house looks like it has seen better days. :eek:
Sweet pic

Haha thanks Luke. That picture is epic







Wow, bunch of great pictures! Makes it incredibly hard to wait until my next offroad trip to Interlake state park down in southern indy here in the next month or so. Til then, it's just working at work and working on the truck.

Got my front end rebuilt over the weekend. All four control arms, outer tie rods, front rotors and pads, trans flush, coolant flush, fuel filter, Rancho 9000s in the back and it's in the shop right now for the alignment, finishing the brackets for the grille guard and replacing the front pinion seal. Should be perfectly mechanically sound for some long expeditions now. It probably was just fine before (except for the upper ball joints and brakes), but I'm super **** about maintenance.

Runner, the trac is looking sick! How is the solid axle treating you?

Thanks! It's great. I still haven't had the chance to fab up a new transmission crossmember yet so stuck in 2wd but I still play around on some trails. Handles well on the road too.

Grille guard installed, bro lights for now. Hella 500 fogs. Won't have time to wire them up until this weekend at the earliest. I just wanted to test fit them and see how they mounted. All maintenance is now done :D And the ride is absolutely astonishing with the TT Rancho shocks, the 9000s in the back at 3, and four new control arms. I simply can't believe I'm driving the same truck, that's how much of a difference it made.


Well OT makes a valid point it is in fact a picture thread so what the hell here is my recent stuff:
















That garage pic is because I was hiding from hail. This in fact:


Let me know what you guys think! Realized with the rear load adjusting shocks in the back I'm 3" higher in the back than front. Looks slightly odd lol. Rides like an entirely new animal though.

Soon I wont be able to park in the garage lol.

what shocks are you using for the front end?

I have my factory step bars if anybody would want to buy them..? Not much and ill sell them at a good there just sitting in my basement I would like to see them put to use :)


Rancho RS5000 for up to 2.5" lift application. I will say i kinda wish i had gotten a stiffer front shock. Rocks a bit forward and back at speed. That said it only does it on the us highway **** washboards around here. Nice asphalt is heaven

2country, that kit won't work on our 1st Gen ST's, those are for 2nd Gen with struts.

Holy **** - you got my vote!

Pictures of a lifted ST anyone? I've got a few from yesterday at Durhamtown.

One of the rock climbs. I chose a line with void of the large, gas tank puncturing variety. It never looks as steep in pictures or video, lol. The part at the end of the video I was talking about coming down would require a serious buggy to climb. Coming down would have been "end over end."





Stuck TJ? Easy work for a heavy ST.





And stuck in another spot. There were a few.


We came up on a couple guys in a JK Rubicon that winched up this hill then winched their father up in his LR4. They said they couldn't get up it with the JK, even locked. I didn't get to watch them try but I can't imagine why because I just walked right up it. I started filming my buddy in his TJ but shut off to spot. He eventually made it up with some skinny pedal and sideways bouncing. It was slick and steep but I was a little embarrassed for the JK guys...they were too.:D We snapped a picture of the Land Rover at the lodge. Sweet vehicle but a little outside it's comfort zone. He was even wearing white driving gloves.



We really didn't encounter mud until the last trail. Wish we had avoided it altogether but it's one of those where it's easier to press forward than try to turn around.





Can you guess what I'm doing all day today?:banghead:

On a side note...I think I've decided this is likely the last pictures/video you'll see of this truck on the trails until it gets a solid axle. I've about got bored with avoiding the lines I really want to run because it's outside the limits of the IFS. Driving 2-3 hours to run the bunny slopes isn't doing it for me anymore. I know without a doubt I'll get to any of my hunting spots which is why I initially bought this truck and started modifying it. Any more recreational wheeling will be when it gets to dedicated toy status. It's impressed more than enough J-brand boys and has done more than it should have ever been asked to do and proven it's a worthwhile starting point.

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Looks like a good time Offtrac. From a distance and blurry I thought you were Brad Paisley, haha.
