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Lifted Sport Tracs Picture Thread!

Very nice Scope. I have been back and forth on headlights. Not sure If I want clear corners or blacked out like you have.

Is your truck silver or white?

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Very nice Scope. I have been back and forth on headlights. Not sure If I want clear corners or blacked out like you have.

Is your truck silver or white?

Silver and thanks. I really like these housings because they don't restrict the light at all. the center of the lense lense is left clear. I always say black over any other colors accessory unless is chrome :D

Add a pic with the lights off please. I just smoked my headlights but not sure how much I like them.

I've been real close to getting those headlights for a while. I just wish we could still get the ones that have the black/clear corner with the black headlights, instead of having the amber corner stick out like that. Still looks good though

I've been real close to getting those headlights for a while. I just wish we could still get the ones that have the black/clear corner with the black headlights, instead of having the amber corner stick out like that. Still looks good though

I'm glad I'm not the only one that can't find those. I like those dark headlights but can't decide between that or having clear corners.

I'll be going black here soon enough myself. Trucks gonna be a blacked out beast with red accents. Saw a really nice red st on here once with silver and an autobot emblem overlay so I'm doing an all black st with red decepticon overlay as competition. Both on 35s too :) Hahaha. Now my dream is to have them together... Ah someday.

On a side note just bought these:

All will be here by the end of the week for install :) Then we'll see how the rear end chatter and squeak is and decide whether its bushings or calipers. Bushings I would leave for the bl to deal with but calipers or rotors I'll get on. That creak on stop and go and chatter over bumps is just drivin me nutty. Hopefully the ride is better with all that, trying to get the big boy ready for his 35 debut.

I've been real close to getting those headlights for a while. I just wish we could still get the ones that have the black/clear corner with the black headlights, instead of having the amber corner stick out like that. Still looks good though

I like the amber on black look actually. Better than all black I think.

So no pictures yet because I want to bombard you guys when I'm done with the entire series of projects but this was yesterday: Installed Monroe SensaTrac Load Adjusting shocks and Traction Control Springs on the rear, Rancho RS5000 for lifted use on the front, blacked out headlights, corners, taillights and an LED blacked out 3rd brake light.

In a couple weeks when I get paid I'll paint the cladding and bumpers with herculiner, install a hood scoop from Explorer Express, and install the upgraded sway bars from Addco on Zabteck.

About two months hence the BL and 315/70/17 Duratracs await me, but I wanted to beef up the pieces and parts before I got to that. Any feedback is appreciated.

hahaha - had a spur of the moment adventure trip with my girlfriend and pooch out into the mountains today. This is at the top of our favorite trail, Geneva Creek, which Y's off at the end - although we'd never been to this side of the top. Glad we made the trip! Was exciting!

hahaha - had a spur of the moment adventure trip with my girlfriend and pooch out into the mountains today. This is at the top of our favorite trail, Geneva Creek, which Y's off at the end - although we'd never been to this side of the top. Glad we made the trip! Was exciting!
I'm bummed I couldn't make it. Looks like a cool camping spot. That water would keep my kids occupied the entire time we were there. Maybe try it the weekend of August 3/4?

Well OT makes a valid point it is in fact a picture thread so what the hell here is my recent stuff:
















That garage pic is because I was hiding from hail. This in fact:


Let me know what you guys think! Realized with the rear load adjusting shocks in the back I'm 3" higher in the back than front. Looks slightly odd lol. Rides like an entirely new animal though.

Soon I wont be able to park in the garage lol.

SAS Trac on eBay right now in Lancaster, Pa.. Check it out...

It looks good man!

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