Lifting 2001 Explorer limited, possible? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lifting 2001 Explorer limited, possible?


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March 6, 2011
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'01 limited
Well, I'm new to this place and well I'm glad I finally found a forum on the explorer but let me cut to the chase. I've been searching ever since I bought my explorer back in December and I was wondering, are there any lift kits for the 01 limited explorer? I've looked and haven't managed to find anything, so if anyone has insight on this it'd greatly be appreciated!

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use of the search feature on this site will result in many options

Please search. You have a few options that have been discussed roughly 16 million times on here - you can do a superlift kit, a torsion twist & lift shackles, body lift etc.

If the issue was the air ride of the limited vs. the non-air ride systems, yes. You'll just be removing that system.

No, the real question should be do you have the optional rear air shocks? The ARC system has to be worked with to alter the heights where those air shocks are. The 99-01 rear ARC system is very rare, I doubt that you have that.

I built my 99 Limited and added the ARC rear system to it. I tricked the one height sensor into allowing me to drop the back about an inch, with 1.5" blocks.

The ARC system will add air or remove air to put the truck back to the one height it was built for. In 95-98 it was standard on all Limiteds for instance, so there are lots of those out there.
