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Lights on chime


Elite In Memoriam
January 17, 2001
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
I recently replaced the multifunction switch in my '99 ( ).

Since the installation, several mysterious things have occurred: (1) the seat belt alarm started working again ( ) and (2) the lights on chime sounds whenever the door is open with no key in the ignition.

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions how to remedy the lights on chime situation? Its not only annoying, but also it does not remind me to turn off the lights.

Help ............

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Break the switch again. :p

I would imagine that there's a way to do it in the owner's manual if you can even do it. It might just be a toggle thing stock.

Mine does the same thing if the ignition switch it turned back to far, almost like it's in the accessory postion. No matter what, everytime I turn off the car it gets turned "Too Far". I just have to wiggle the ignition switch and it shuts off, maybe the same issue with your ride?

TechGuy82 said:
Mine does the same thing if the ignition switch it turned back to far, almost like it's in the accessory postion. No matter what, everytime I turn off the car it gets turned "Too Far". I just have to wiggle the ignition switch and it shuts off, maybe the same issue with your ride?

My problem is different; the chime is on when the drivers door is opened with no key in the ignition.

Thanks for the suggestion anyway.

Mystery somewhat solved or at least identified:

At least I now know what is triggering the chime; I can even silence it by using my finger.

There is a blue colored “switch” of some sort on the ignition key cylinder ( lower left side ). By pressing in on the blue thingy with my finger, I am able to silence the damn chime. Further, the lights on with no key in ignition and drivers door open works perfectly as long as I am pushing in on the blue thingy.


(1) What is this blue thingy?
(2) Is it replaceable independent of the ignition key cylinder?
(3) Ideas or suggestions??????

Thanks in advance; that chime is driving me nuts ….


  • bkue.jpg
    37.8 KB · Views: 793

Here is a better picture of the blue thingy .........


  • aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg
    45.8 KB · Views: 774

Its probably just worn out/loose, i have to wiggle my igntion sometimes to get it to stop beeping when the door is open even when theres no key.

Problem solved, really:

At first when I reinstalled the covers, the chime still sounded, however, after repositioning the covers and tightening the covers, the sound ceased.

But what in the world is the name of the Blue thingy?

If I remember right, when I had to change my clockspring, my chime sounded constantly. Right where that blue thingy is was a black wire that plugged into the ignition assembly. I just took that wire loose, and now I get no chime at all as far as doors being open. The door ajar still lights, and if I leave the headlights on with the ignition off the chime does sound.

Problem solved, really:

At first when I reinstalled the covers, the chime still sounded, however, after repositioning the covers and tightening the covers, the sound ceased.

If I remember right, when I had to change my clockspring, my chime sounded constantly. Right where that blue thingy is was a black wire that plugged into the ignition assembly. I just took that wire loose, and now I get no chime at all as far as doors being open. The door ajar still lights, and if I leave the headlights on with the ignition off the chime does sound.

You both are now my new favorite people

Almost 10 year old thread, but still no answer to what that blue thingy is called. I replaced my mfs today and when reinstalling the column cover I noticed that thing hanging by its wire. I put it where it looked like it fit and closed it up. Now I have the chime with key out, lights off and door open. Chime silences when door is closed. I would rather repair properly with a new part if necessary.
