little tv's for cheap? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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little tv's for cheap?

how much do you want for it? it might be perfect for where i want to mount it. what are its overall dimensions?

james- what was that thing you were talking about back there? is it a way to make duck hunt work on a little tv?

i want duckhunt to work, but i don't want a tv that i can't integrate into the interior so i'm torn here. lol.

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I'll have to go face the cold and get a tape measure. i'll be back in a few.

edit: Price they are going for around $50 on ebay, so I would do $40 plus shipping.

cool, give me measurements and i'll go check it out. i don't mind cutting up my interior (lol, if you know what i've done already) but i'd like this to fit fairly easily. this is starting to shape up.

btw- i found a working nes for 10 at a local pawnshop with excitebike and duckhunt!!!

Alright it is hard to get a good pic at night but here is the monitor in the center console. It looks pretty good, but slap some fiberglass around it and it is perfect, I just got lazy and tired of the "project" I was looking at.


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  • mvc-009f.jpg
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6.5" wide
4.5" tall
1.5" deep at it's depest average=1 - 1.25

Try this.....

This is my set up.....easy to do and looks great.

That is a nice big screen!

hey taxxman, if expo5.0 doesnt buy that screen from ya, I'd take it off your hands, I've been looking for one :D

pete1122m, how'd ya do that... looks sweet!

tell me about that one. what size? what do you use it for? i'm about sure i'm gonna buy taxxman's, but i want as much info as possible here. i'm getting excited about this

people playin ps2 games and watchin dvds, and here you are with a nintendo gun shootin at your console playing duck hunt... THATS GREAT lol

hell yeah, how much fun would it be to sit in the truck and play duck hunt at a show? everyone would love it.

my girlfriend raised the issue of the legality of having guns in my truck. and how tempting it would be for my passengers to be playing while i drive. opinions on this???

Originally posted by expo5.0
my girlfriend raised the issue of the legality of having guns in my truck. and how tempting it would be for my passengers to be playing while i drive. opinions on this???

well if your friends are like my friends be prepared to do alot of explaining to mr. police officer :D


I just cut out the pockets and made the hole big enough to fit my screen. Then I secured the Headrest mount into the hole, used Bondo to smooth it into the plastic and painted it black. I have a mobile DVD Player hooked up to my Stereo system so I use mine for MP3's and the Passanger can also watch movies. I have a 7" flip down screen that will be installed later this week for the rear passangers.

yeah, thats sweet. i don't want taxxman's screen. i'm gonna wait a little bit and buy a slightly bigger one when i have a little more money, this doesn't mean i'm giving up on this stuff though, it will be done.

Originally posted by expo5.0
yeah, thats sweet. i don't want taxxman's screen. i'm gonna wait a little bit and buy a slightly bigger one when i have a little more money, this doesn't mean i'm giving up on this stuff though, it will be done.

probably the right decisoin for you. just wanted to let you all know I have one if anyone is interested.:D

thanks man, hope that other person who said they were interested takes it off your hands.

it doesn't matter. I'm in no hurry. when I get my garage finished I'm gonna go through all these boxes and have an online garage sale get rid of some of this stuff and get some money for the X :bounce:

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hey taxxman i'm still interested in the screen...can you give me a little bit of info on it and what all I'll need for it to work (i'm new at all this stuff) :) , thanks!
