Load leveling air bags? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Load leveling air bags?


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February 20, 2008
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Northwest Burbs, Chicago
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Explorer Limited
I have a car trailer that I'll be towing soon. It's a 7000lb trailer and will be loaded to capacity. I've been towing the trailer empty so far and noticed no problems. I have a 2008 XLT with 4.6 and the towing package. I also have a proportional e brake controller.

I put one of my cars in it yesterday to see how it would affect the ride height and noticed that it put quite a bit of weight on the tongue. Needless to say, the front end was pretty high. I figure a set of Air Lift bags would be a good way to help keep the rear up when towing. I've looked at the Air Lift website and they do not list them for the 2006+ explorer. Is there any other manufacturer who does?



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Don't know about load leveling air bags but reversing your load so the engine of the car your hauling is positioned more over the trailer axles should help. Just make sure you don't put the load too far back or at speed your trailer will act like it wants to pass you and become very unstable.

7000lbs on an ex is a bit much, perhaps you should've went with an Expedition or F series. And for the life of me i cant understand why ford doesnt offer load levelling on 3rd and 4th gen Ex's

7000lbs on an ex is a bit much, perhaps you should've went with an Expedition or F series. And for the life of me i cant understand why ford doesnt offer load levelling on 3rd and 4th gen Ex's

When I bought it, I really wanted an F series (which I've had before) but at this point I'm not sure why I didn't. anyway, I'm stuck with the Ex for now so, I have to make the best of it. I can back the car in which will put the heaviest part of the car over the axle's. this should improve things a bit.

Are you using a load leveling hitch?

No. I have the 7000lb towing package so, I'm using the factory hitch setup. I would really like to just toss in some air bags to help offset the drop in the back. I'm also going to back the car in so the motor is over the axles rather than the front of the trailer.

I looked into trading the explorer in on an F150 or F250 but I'd take a bath financially. So, I'm stuck with it for now.

Are you using a load leveling hitch?

x2 <<<

A load leveling hitch also known as a weight distribution hitch is cheaper and easer to do.


x2 <<<

A load leveling hitch also known as a weight distribution hitch is cheaper and easer to do.


I've heard of them but, how do they work?

I have "Air Lift" bags, and when really loaded down, they bring it right back up to ride height.

I've heard of them but, how do they work?

the bars in the picture actually lift the back of your ex up increasing ride height, and leveling off your trailer.
I would suggest something along these lines because its easy to install, and remove. Its simply a hitch adapter and a few bolts on your trailer.

the bars in the picture actually lift the back of your ex up increasing ride height, and leveling off your trailer.
I would suggest something along these lines because its easy to install, and remove. Its simply a hitch adapter and a few bolts on your trailer.

Thanks. I will have to look into getting one.

I wouldn't do the air bags, they can change the way your ex rides with and without a trailer. The hitch is only there when your towing a trailer and they work. Plus the airbags are a lot more work and way more money.

I like the bags for everyday driving. My Mounty is way too soft in the rear. Super simple to install, and for under $300 you could have an on board air set up, plus adjustable ride height.

I like the bags for everyday driving. My Mounty is way too soft in the rear. Super simple to install, and for under $300 you could have an on board air set up, plus adjustable ride height.

Yea sounds cool but for me i would do the weight distribution, i don't need a softer ride i already have rear independent suspension. I know they work because my neighbor has one that he tows his boat with. Its a huge boat, its something like 12-13,000lbs. He doesn't have an ex he has a chevy dually 3500 that he tows with. He said the hitch is like night and day.

I have used both and I would also recommend the weight distribution hitch, specifically the equalizer hitch. The way that it works is that it uses bars that lock into two catches and it provides sway control in addition to the weight distributing features. The problem with the standard "Reese" and other wd hitches is that you have to weld a bung to the trailer and buy a separate sway control shock. Since your trailer will weigh about the same (or a little more than) your Ex, you definitely need sway control-ask anyone that has pulled a trailer at highway speeds.

I also have air bags on my super duty and the air bags will affect your ride quality.

Who makes the equalizer WD hitch setup? Or better yet, where can I buy it?

Here's a LINK to their website. They are a bit more pricey than the Reese hitches, but once you add in their sway control cam kit, it would be about the same. I would never tow my bumper pull trailer without it and I never had sway control problems!

How about a pic of your X hooked up to this 7000 lb beast.
