Look What I Just Bought!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Look What I Just Bought!!


Explorer Addict
February 7, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Louisville, Kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 EB, '02 ST, '97 XLT

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Awesome, I myself picked up a 02 Sport Trac last week, 72K miles, 4x4, white in excellent shape :)

I love it.

However I dont get to drive it! Nor do I have to pay for it! hahaha
I signed the financing for a good friend, so its his truck, he pays, its just on my credit and he is listed as a driver on my insurance.

What are friends for? hahaha

freakin sweet!!! it's really appreciative when people actually take good pictures and lots of 'em so there's no confusion when you recieve what you bought...



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Congrats man. That is one nice looking rig. I can't believe it's a 5spd too! That dual exhaust looks awesome. I bet you can't wait to pick it up. :cool:

nicely modded trac fer shizzle

exhaust looks like it might melt the plastic bumper cover, that front bumper is cool!

I asked the guy about the exhaust and he said it has been like that for several thousand miles and has been fine so far.

I love the bumper as well. I think when I get it I'm going to aint the gray plastic with textured black paint. I saw it at Autozone the other day, says its good for plastic. They have a very dark grey and a black, both which I think would match the drint bumper nicely.

All I've gotta do now is wait a week and a half. Hopefully I can still drive a stick, its been a long time and I never really had a lot of practice. I know how, just havn't done it a lot! :p

OH come on you can drive a stick.

I wasnt aware they made a 5 speed trac! hahaha just because I have never seen one, never seen a 2wd in this part of the world either though and I know they make those!

Skip the black plastic textured paint, it is really hard to keep it sticking and when it starts to come off it will look like ass IMO. The grey trim is already textured, so if you want it black use vinyl die paint, no textured stuff.

I know I can drive one, just need to get used to it, been driving an automatic for 6 years.

Thanks for the heads up on the paint. Where do I get vinyl dye at?

Oh yeah, I've already ordered a head unit for it. Need to find half a rear seat too. Any suggestions?

Kickass. Looks to be pretty well done too.

You'd think it would occur to someone listing a vehicle for sale to remove their spit cup and chew before taking photos, lol. :rolleyes:


14,400 is a GREAT deal for that truck IMO especially with 23K miles

You = stole it!
As long as its in the shapre they say it is I think you got a great deal...also on the Sport trac forum I see back seats for sale alot :)

CougarX said:
I asked the guy about the exhaust and he said it has been like that for several thousand miles and has been fine so far.

I love the bumper as well. I think when I get it I'm going to aint the gray plastic with textured black paint. I saw it at Autozone the other day, says its good for plastic. They have a very dark grey and a black, both which I think would match the drint bumper nicely.

All I've gotta do now is wait a week and a half. Hopefully I can still drive a stick, its been a long time and I never really had a lot of practice. I know how, just havn't done it a lot! :p
Do paint the tupperware satin black at the least, did mine almost 3 yrs ago and it still looks great, easy to do.

what did you use to paint the plastic? anything special?

I used to have a friend that did rhino lining, but he got out of it a while back. Wonder hoew much it would run to do something like that? Would it even be worth it over just painting/dying it?

Rhino lining would be too thick for the trim IMO.

Great for the bed, not sure a ST needs it with the composite bed though...

CougarX said:
what did you use to paint the plastic? anything special?

I used to have a friend that did rhino lining, but he got out of it a while back. Wonder hoew much it would run to do something like that? Would it even be worth it over just painting/dying it?
Dupl-color flex cladding paint (bumper coating), paint the front cover in place, just mask well, remove the side cladding and rear bumper cover (easy) wash all down with simple green a green scotchbright pad, than do it again.
When all is dry, get your paint, about 6 cans, also get two cans of dupl-color adhiesion promotor, you need it to make the paint stick.
Spray about 6 light coats of the paint after following the promotor instructions, wait about 15 mins between coats, tack off in between each.
Rattle cans work perfect as the paint is lacquer based, drys quick is run free if your caefull, will take a day and cost about 75 bucks max.
It holds up great, get a scratch just touch it up.
Like I said, did mine 3 years ago.


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or you could paint that custom front bumper grey :)

CougarX said:
Thanks spindlecone. Think I can get by with 3 cans or maybe four since I don't need to do the front bumper, or did you take that into accoutn already?
Four will work fine, prep well, take your time.
By the way, nice looking trac :D

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Spindle those your cold air intakes? :)
