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Lookin for new ex


Well-Known Member
June 15, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Tenino, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 sport
Well the black explorer is done for and I need a new victom for my wheeler. Lets just say it meet a few trees that did not agree with the whole passenger side this weekend... Lookin for any cheep sports or navajo's with a clean body to swap onto my explorers frame. Anyone see anything on CL or around town let me know.


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1st gen or 1st and 2nd gen?

BTW, your supposed to go AROUND the trees Ben:p:

I thinkn I know where the sport is that was on craiglists list in Winlock, I will have one of the guys who work for me see if it is still for sale if you want?

I think I saw a green sport on CL in winlock a few weeks ago for $300 that didn't run but I cant find it now. Did he have it listed on CL?

I am not sure who owns it, I saw it in Winlock when I was driving by, I think it is the one that was on craigslist, it did not have a for sale sign in it and it is parked on a city street not sure which residence it belongs to

Forrest and I found a blue navajo for $250 this weekend with a bad clutch so we went and picked it up. I will swap the cab over after the Evens Creek trip next weekend and start on the cage.

You guys till planning on going up on Sunday?

Chris has to work the 7th so we had planed on the 8th. I was thinking about going both days but we will see Sounds like Andy will try and make it sunday. I just plan on smashing the rest of the ex in before I swap the new body on, should be fun. Speaking of fun, I cut the roof off over the back half the other day. The back hatch was bent into a "U" and the passenger side quarter panel were both done so I figured it couldn't get any worse right?? Yeah... a convertable in the winter...

What year is the donor rig?
