Looking at buying a 1999 Explorer, need info. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking at buying a 1999 Explorer, need info.


Explorer Addict
March 6, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer Sport Trac
I'm looking at a '99 Explorer for my wife and wanted to know if theirs any thing I should check for with problems on this vehicle other then the normal stuff?

I have a lifted '03 Sport Trac and would love to get her a Sport Trac too but finances aren't allowing that right now. What if anything does the '99 Ex have issues with that I should watch out for?

Here's a link to the Explorers ad on CL so you have the info on it.


Yea :thumbsup: or nea :thumbdwn:

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Assuming its the SOHC, be weary of high mileage older engines such as this. Your ST has the improved tensioners. The pre-01 SOHCs, unless repaired, have the weak, faulted tensioners. Make sure there is no rattle at start up, or between 2.5-3k RPM.

I'd rather go look at this one: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/2361631621.html
It may be 2 years older, but its also got new brakes, tires, shocks and tune up, and has 40k less.

Thanks guys, I went and checked it out and the guy never showed. Checked out the truck and saw it needed new tires, complete inner and outer rocker, rear wheelwells, complete exhaust, both tail lights were broken, brakes, rotors, etc......

Needless to say this thing wasn't worth it. I found a couple other Explorers so I'll keep trying.

Thanks man, I was actaully was just about to call this person here in a couple minutes.

It needed brakes haha, the ad said new brakes. You just can't trust some people. Best he didn't show up anyway, wasn't worth the test drive.

Yea low miles is a must. Mine rattles when going on the on ramp just before 3k rpm. Mine only has 113k miles, depressing.

Ya , he had the nerve to call me at 1:30pm, didn't leave a meesage. I went to meet him at 10:30am. Oh well.
