looking for a box that holds three 12" subs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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looking for a box that holds three 12" subs

Rudy A

Well-Known Member
August 30, 2005
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New York
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99 sport
im thinking about getting three rockford P3's and powering them with two sony xplod 1200 watt amps

any1 know of a good box? where can i get it?


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also what type of wires would i need to get this all done?> i guess bridge the amps? and what guage?

3 RF subs, being pushed with 400 watts of RMS power?.........I think you need more power!

MTX offers a 3 sub, box......don't know of any other 'off the shelf' items....


Spdrcer34 said:
3 RF subs, being pushed with 400 watts of RMS power?.........I think you need more power!

MTX offers a 3 sub, box......don't know of any other 'off the shelf' items....


look on ebay, they are on there too, Ide just build your own, or if you dont have teh tool, find a local audio shop to build you one, one built to your subs will sound better than a pre fabbed one...

would be too expensive for me..........

yea rockford p3s....three of them being pushed by two sony explod 1200 watt amps

hows this funny??????? the subs are 500 rms.....1000 peak................amps - 2400............thats fine to power them i think

a friend of mine had them and they pushed really good.

i agree with building it yourself, if done right will be better and MUCH cheaper then anything you will find out there, only takes like half a day to complete a whole box start to finish

i wanted a box that would hold 4 10" subs right behind my seat and have the option of running all 4 or just 2, so i had 1 amp for each pair of subs on switches, worked really sweet, because each pair had its own compartment so the air space was correct

i can run down everything u'll need if u really need me to , but if its Song Xplod on demand or JBL, whatever, custom done right will always sound better

got pic of mine if ur interested, cause i'm selling it
good luck
