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Lost Keys


New Member
May 6, 2009
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City, State
Davenport, Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XLT
Well, long story short,wife lost ALL the keys to our 1997 Explorer. I've tried having a dealer cut a key but they say it only goes back to 2000.

Is there anyway short of pulling the ignition tumbler and how would I do this without the key?



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Hire a locksmith.. They should be able to make one with the keys lost.

Well, long story short,wife lost ALL the keys to our 1997 Explorer. I've tried having a dealer cut a key but they say it only goes back to 2000.

Is there anyway short of pulling the ignition tumbler and how would I do this without the key?



Your wife must be realted to mine. She's from Des-Moines.

I had two keyless remotes to '97 Mounty. She lost or misplaced one of then several years ago. I imagine it was in one of her 10+ purses that got ruined when we had a pipe break.

I can't count on two hands how many times she has misplaced her or my keys in the 13 years we've been married.

they can cut a key by vin back to 98....not 2000. but that still doesnt help you. i think you will need to have a locksmith make you a new key....or buy a new ignition cylinder...but then you wont have a door key

When did they start putting PATS in these cars? If you have a PATS system the dealer will have to reprogram the keys.

At one time I remember there were kits for the Crown Vic that included 2 new keys and all the tumblers to change the locks. Clearly that won't help us out much but there might be some out there for Explorers, too?

If you were to go that route you'd have to remove the door panels to change the door locks.

When did they start putting PATS in these cars? If you have a PATS system the dealer will have to reprogram the keys.

At one time I remember there were kits for the Crown Vic that included 2 new keys and all the tumblers to change the locks. Clearly that won't help us out much but there might be some out there for Explorers, too?

If you were to go that route you'd have to remove the door panels to change the door locks.

1998 for the Explorer. Some locksmiths have the right equipment to make and program keys for the PATS systems.

Yeah, I was hoping I wouldnt have to pull the ignition but looks like thats my only option. The truck has the keypad on the outside so I can always unlock it that way I guess.

Interestingly enough, my first job out of highschool was as an apprentice locksmith. I remember how we made keys for cars by knife edging a blank and then looking for small scores on the blank as you turned the key against the tumblers. After that you gradually grind the canyons in the key until it works.
