low beam headlight issue! help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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low beam headlight issue! help!


Well-Known Member
July 22, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Franklin, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'16 Explorer Sport
Hey guys, for the past few weeks, I have had an issue with my passenger side low beam. It would pop on and off a few weeks ago, but mostly stay on, as of recently is doesn't work at all. The high beam works fine, there is no power going into the platic unit for plug the headlights into. I replaced the plastic headlight until and plugged in the headlight again, it still doesn work. A friend of mine told me as an easy solution to plice into the left side low beam, which it has been done so I don't have to worry about getting pulled over. However, the "check head light" warning light on my system console still comes on all of the time when the lights are turned on. How do I get rid of that, or preferably, fix the original problem that is somewher ein the electrical system?

Any help please!?!?

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Could be a bad fuse, there's a fuse per headlight.

Your problem may be caused by the Lamp Out module in the console. It goes bad and causes all sorts of headlight problems, usually both lights go out. Search for it to find more info about it and how to replace.

huskyfan23 said:
Could be a bad fuse, there's a fuse per headlight.

On my 94, I found a single fuse for both (?) headlights. It's a 40 amp'er in the underhood relay/fuse center, bottom left-most fuse. Is there a fuse for both somewhere else? Where?

I clipped a deer the other day and got one headlight that blinks..I'm troubleshooting the connection.

Thought second gens had a fuse for each headlight?

I was asking about about my truck (1st gen). You are probably right on the 2nd's. I certainly don't know about 2nd gens wiring.

Yeah, you've got a fuse and relay.
