Lower Ball joint or LCA on AWD question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lower Ball joint or LCA on AWD question


Well-Known Member
March 29, 2007
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City, State
Somerville TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'10 Eddie Bauer V8 4x4
Sooo..... I'm guessing, after struggling for a couple of hours, that you can NOT drop the yolk off the lower ball joint bolt without disconnecting the drive shaft? Correct?

I am changing out the LCAs (both sides) and I was gonna try it without removing anything off the yolk.

Also, under things they don't tell you in the videos, that if you have a ball joint fork that is just wide enough for the bolt of the ball joint to fit, that it is NOT big enough to do the job in between the ball joint and yolk connection. Apparently there is some wider shank area that you have to fit around. You can pound and pound and pound, all day long. Ain't gonna do you a bit a good. grrrrr....
