Lynchy's wagon | Page 25 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thought I'd register my rig. Bought her in 2008 65k miles on the clock for $18 grand, always been happy with her until I caught the modding bug (you *******s, yeah you know who you's are). So now I'm extremely happy and love my x and decided to post some pics in here.

This is when I first got her.


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Received my certification that I'm medically fit to drive in the post. Yay! Now down to the department of transport monday morning to do my theory test on road rules which will give me a 'learner's permit'. This allow's me to practice driving as long as there is a fully licensed co-pilot in the vehicle. I can also book my practical driving test (hope they have some appointment's open this coming week). I have to laugh, been driving for 22 year's and now I'm going to be an 'L plate learner'.

At this stage I need to do a liver function test and urine drug analysis every 6 month's to keep my license. 5 month's on the turp's, 1 month off to allow my liver to recover sound's like a plan to me!!!

I'm not sure at this stage how this is going to effect my motorcycle license, I may have to re-apply for the 250cc restricted license then after a year apply for the open class motorcycle one. The harley (Pamela:D ) may be gathering some dust for a while.

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Thank's mate, getting there!!!

Lynchy, it's just like riding a bike, I mean an Explorer. You can do it. Stay the course mate, stay the course!! :salute:

Heh heh:D just need to unlearn all those bad habit's. Cheer's mate!:chug:

Congrats on turning it around. :D

I know you love your grog, but at the risk of sounding all pompous...Is the nectar that sweet, that you wont fly away from it?

I'm glad you got your levels on the right track Greg, and I am glad your jumping through the hoops and still with us. I would even be more happy knowing your going to be around for a long long time as well. ;)

:)I do have a few problem's with moderation (in alot of thing's not just the grog!) :rolleyes: It's either flat out or stop with no happy medium. It is in the plan to slow down on the piss once life return's to normal and I'm not housebound anymore. One concession I've made is to cut out the hard stuff unless it's xmas, St Pats or my birthday and the beer I drink is only 3.5% so I'll hopefully be around for a wee bit longer! Thank's tho mate, it's nice to hear!:D:thumbsup:

P.S. Brother, you don't sound pompous at all and I do appreciate your sentiment's amigo :):):thumbsup:

Good to hear your getting back on track and your not the only one with moderation problems. Its all or nothin for me.

Thank's mate! Un bloody real sometimes isn't it? I think I may have what the psych's call an 'addictive personality':D:thumbsup:

:chug: For me 1 is too many and 1000 is not enough! :chug:

Good news coming from the land of "Down Under"!!! Damn good to hear things are getting back on track for you, Greg!! :biggthump :burnout:

Cheer's mate!!! It's been a long road and knowing my luck I thought the world probably will end just before I get my license back and I'll have to hitch hike to the afterlife:D:thumbsup: All's good!!!

Good to hear your getting back on track and your not the only one with moderation problems. Its all or nothin for me.

That's evident by your avatar pic... :D

Keep on keepin' on, Lynchy- we need your insanity around these parts. :thumbsup:

Great news Gregg, you'll be back at it befor you know it. now as for Pamela sitting around, you can sent her here I'll ride her till you are ready to go.:D

I don't know how I'd feel watching another bloke ride my Pammy, even if he is a mate!:D Appreciate the offer tho':D

Cheer's Joe, me ole mate, as a bloke I know once said "I'm not insane..... everyone else is":thumbsup::thumbsup:

Hey lynchy,

You should do great, I just took on of the quizzes and I got 28 of 30. And we drive on the wrong side over here and haven't graduated to metric yet. That was interesting.

Thank's mate!!! You'll be laughing if you ever come over for a holiday and vice versa if I get to The States. As long as I don't drift to the left and you don't drift to the right:D:thumbsup:

Cheer's Joe, me ole mate, as a bloke I know once said "I'm not insane..... everyone else is":thumbsup::thumbsup:

That reminde me of Nugent's line- "Everybody sucks, but I suck less..." :D

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I think I heard that in a brothel one night...That chick wasn't getting many customer's:dunno:
