Lynchy's wagon | Page 27 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thought I'd register my rig. Bought her in 2008 65k miles on the clock for $18 grand, always been happy with her until I caught the modding bug (you *******s, yeah you know who you's are). So now I'm extremely happy and love my x and decided to post some pics in here.

This is when I first got her.


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Well, since your back on the Highway (and your still a rebel), this video seems fitting for you :D

Until you can ride the bike on the streets again, the driveway is going to have to do until then, and this video seems fitting until then.


That's a bit of alright dude. Question for ya, in the first video you looked like you were enjoying the ride in the passenger seat...but who was driving?

Hey lynchy,

You're not gonna keep that license very long lettin the dog drive... and on the wrong side of the road ! Oh well you guys both looked like you were enjoying the freedom of the open road, er uh beach. Congrats mate !

Yep, good ol' nanarup's one of the nicest beaches down here. With Jack whinginging and crying to get out it sounded like my suspension was crapping itself!:)

Great cover's Gregg!!! That chick in the first one was smokin'! Pissed myself laughing at the second one and talk about appropiate!!!:D:thumbsup: Hope you're going alright up there in Missou mate.

I get that feeling looking at the vid too. I'm just holding my phone (good suspension for the camera is my elbow). Somehow I don't think the quality is going to be as good when it goes in the holder but well see I s'pose. Jacky reckon's I can't drive worth a s*** so he want's his L plates, with a bit more practice he'll be almost as good as trunk monkey!!:D:thumbsup::thumbsup:

I thought you were damn crazy driving on the wrong side of the road, but then I remembered your from the outback!!!! Looked like fun

Bloody awesome fun down there Strict! It made it even better the fact I hadn't been to Nanarup for about 5 year's!

No worries Rob! Yeah mate, the car license saga was bloody epic and I can say absolutely, positivley I'm never losing it again!!! :D:thumbsup:

On another note (never end's does it!:D) 1st motorcycle refresher lesson yesterday and another tomorrow. So much has changed since I first did it 20 years ago, but I've narrowed down the three area's I have to concentrate on and they are (1)indicating on roundabout's, (2)looking over my shoulder at left and right turn's and (3)road positioning on bend's. 1 and 2 can be practiced in the ford so once that becomes second nature I'll go for my test, probably late next week. It was bloody great riding again tho'!!!!:thumbsup:

It's just like riding a bike- once you learn, you only need to be back on for a few shakes to get the hang again. Glad the bike is rolling again! Must feel good to be free again! :thumbsup:

Yae Lynch im in the process of getting my motorcycle liscense. I was riding for 2 years without one, then I wreaked doin a wheelie, fixed my bike now trying to save money to pay back registration and get my liscense.

Too true Joe, too true-feel's awesome!!!!!!!

Ain't no fun stacking a bike. I wrote off my ducati a fair few years ago after combining tequila and a roundabout at 70 mph. The tank jumped off the frame and bit me in the chin, KO'ed me so when I hit the ground after flying for a while I was just rag dolled. Got away with 7 stitch's and the feeling that I'd been on the rack for a week. Bugger of a catch 22 that, if I wasn't pissed I wouldn't of crashed and if I wasn't pissed I probably wouldn't have survived to be yarning to you all now. Oh well, live and learn (if you're lucky)

No more pissing on the Bike! :nono:

Arrive alive, be thoughtful of others on the road, buckle up, yada yada yada........

Glad your getting a second chance, cherish it forever! Not everybody gets another shot at the privileges offered to us. Congrats man! Woot!

:eek: Ouch I was lucky not to get hurt when I crashed. I was showing off doing wheelies with my bro at night and didnt see a dip in the road. Hit the dip in the middle of a stand up wheelie doin about 60 mph. The bike flew out from underneath me and my bro said the bike was cartwheeling all around my body. I was lucky not to be injured. One thing about riding is you are bound to crash no matter how safe you are. I'm just glad to hear we all have the balls to keep on riding. Like you said you live you learn if you are lucky. I have lost a freind because of other drivers, they changed lanes and stacked him into a wall at 70 mph. Trust no one but yourself when riding!

Just thought I would share my last crash story. I have quite a few others.

I think me dead Grand pop was looking after me during my stupid year's (Thank's mate if you read this:D) And I think even a cat would be wondering how he made it this far in life! Alway's be aware and Never drink and drive/ride. 'Cause you're right Gregg and Strict, it may not have been your fault but there's no point telling that to The Devil, he's just going to laugh his arse off!:D

Hey Lynchy. Scanned through the registry (27 pages!!! Didn't have a week to read it all!) But, welcome back to the driving masses! And I would like to thank you. I've been AWOL from the boards for awhile and its refreshing to see someone like you who is so pro Explorer. Keep up the good work bro, and your enthusiasm is contagious.

Gracias Amigo and Welcome back to you too mate!

welcome back to the driving side. went and looked at a 79 honda cb350 yesterday, i want it so bad i can taste it, now just to figure out how to pay for it lol. it has been heavily modified, stretched, lowered, big bore kit, and a LOT of chrome:)

Sweet, a real classic japper! Good luck on getting the coin for her!

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