mac intake upgrade | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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mac intake upgrade


Active Member
September 22, 2003
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ewing nj
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Rx-8
I am thinking of buying the mac intake upgrade for my 2001 xlt 5.0. The car is completely stock. Is this a good performance upgrade for a stock motor...will it change the sound of the car

Item #MP3659

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This is a good first mod for a stock engine and you should notice a little performance difference. It produces a little bit louder sound under the hood on most explorers. It is the 1st mod that most do followed by the exhaust and chip.

well i bought one. I am so excited i paid 50 extra for 2 day delivery. I really need to learn patience

It sounds good on the 5.0. I put mine on before exhaust and it growls pretty good at WOT. Gas mileage may go down due to you wanting the hear the sound soo much

I ordered 2 day shipping, but explorer express sent it ground. So a week later it is now in.
It sounds really good. At idol there seems to be no real differencev in sound, but when i step on it, it sounds very throaty. I dont really see any performace difference yet, but I havent taken it on the highway either

I am very happy with it, it looks great and sounds better.

i hope you didn't pay extra for EE's mess up by sending it ground instead of 2 day.

Originally posted by youpey
well i bought one. I am so excited i paid 50 extra for 2 day delivery. I really need to learn patience
Air mail would have been cheaper:eek:

Originally posted by EliteConcept
i hope you didn't pay extra for EE's mess up by sending it ground instead of 2 day.

they gave me 25 back off of shipping, but its still really annoying

I'm surprised they messed that up. They are usually a very dependable company. I would've waited 2 weeks for it instead of paying $50 extra. But then again I am cheap. :p

wow i would contact john v. If they still kept $25 for shipping thats wrong....espically if someone eles messed up.....i'd contact them and demand the entire $50 back.

most ups and fedex packages can make it anywhere in the lower 48 in just about 5-7 days.

I ordered it on a friday and got it the following friday. so it was 5 business days. the customer service was good. The ups office is not close to where i live, so i took the day off on wednesday, which is when it should have arrived, so i wouldnt miss it and have to drive 45 minutes the next day to pick it up. I get paid for the time off, but still it is an annoyance. Like i said the customer service was good, they called me and told me about the mistake, and they were always very friendly.
