MAF and throttle body question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MAF and throttle body question


Active Member
April 10, 2002
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City, State
was Anchorage, Alaska now San Antonio, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT 4wd
tryed this in the under the hood section but no luck so I am moving it here.
When going to a Granatelli MAF and a BBK throttle body is there any thing you have to do besides installing them and resetting the computer? they are basic bolt right on and thats it right? Any one had any problems after install like check engine light or something?

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Yup... should be a basic bolt on like you said... and i havent herd of any problems. I also herd that you shouldnt bother with the MAF. Send Alec a PM, He knows about the BBK.

Thank's! I thought they should be a strait bolt on, but I wanted to be sure.:chug:

Yeah, the only thing I don't understand is that BBK says that it's a 66mm thottlebody, but I measured mine (stock) the other day and it measured 66mm, so what does $250 get you then? Especially when EE says that it's "significantly larger than stock" or something to that effect?

yours is a second Gen X I think they my be bigger?

That's kind of sketchy then since they say it's for a 91-00 OHV engine. I was always thinking of getting one, until I was doing some work on getting my TB to get a more WOT and measured it. Has anybody measured their Gen I Explorer TBs?

just did tonight. the inner diameter right it the front is close to 65 mm, but as you go back to the butterfly it is only about 56 mm. so if the BBK is 66 mm at the butterfly it is bigger by almost 10 mm which is a decent difference

Ah Ha! So there is no conspiracy after all! Well I guess that piece is going back on my wish list.

me to :bounce: working on the wife now!

:redexp: Never noticed any real change after bolting on the Granatelli. The BBK throttle body is another story all together - that thing made the ol' X jump! No problem with install of either component - both straight forward bolt-ons. I'd suggest getting a throttle body spacer as long as you are at it. Helix Power Tower was an easy install on my 96'.

everything i've heard here and elsewhere has been that throttle body spacers don't work on non-carburated applications so don't waste your money.

btw- signatures that spell out every little thing are annoying...

17 by 8 kmc hellions bfgoodrich comp t/a hr4 255/60/17 tires explorer express x-dam stull billet grille and bumper grille hidden lumi-logo behind the front grill window tint all around clear corners piaa superwhite headlight bulbs vinyl flames on the shaved rockers
a flamed pinstripe carbon fiber look vinyl on all the matte black exterior plastic 2" torsion twist and block drop with halved bumpstops 99 spec. sway bars
monroe sensatracs pioneer deh-p4000 deck pioneer 4-way 6 by 9s in the front doors cerwin vega 2-way 5 by 7s in the rear doors 400watt 4 channel rockford fosgate power amp to power the door speakers a 12" hx2 dvc rockford sub in a oversized 3 cubic foot box with a rf power 500 a 2 to power it streetglow white sound activated neon mounted on the sub box indiglo white face gauges leather seats wet okole black and white seat covers in the front (needed because of wakeboarding a ton) moonroof carbon fiber surround for the single din headunit in the din and a half factory placement. k and n fipk modified for cold air with dryer ducting 75 mm mass air 1.6 fms roller rockers e-303 cam, flowie 3" exhaust hypertech chip taylor spiro pro mm plug wires probably some other stuff i am forgetting. wouldn't it bother you if that was my signature?
