MAF question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MAF question


November 20, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
lenox MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 sport
can a maf be mounted backwards? im thinking about making a flange and bolting it right to the intak manifold leaving the round side to mount a cone filter for my project

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Im no expert but the MAF has an arrow for air flow on it. I would guess its calibrated for a certain direction of air flow

ok then can the MAS be turner around? i dont have the truck till this weekend im just planing for when i pic it up

can a maf be mounted backwards? im thinking about making a flange and bolting it right to the intak manifold leaving the round side to mount a cone filter for my project

Where will the throttle body be located?

Where will the throttle body be located?

ok let me try to make myself clearer its a 92 sport but look in my sig and u will see what im doing and instead of the air box and tube i want to mount the MAF to the throttle body (my bad for saying intake manifold) but i want to make it bolt to the TB and leave the clamp side open for a cone can turn the MAS around in the MAF body?

thanks for any help you can give me if this doesnt get resolved by this weekend i'll just have to try it when i pick up the truck :salute:

Im thinking that wont work but what the heck try it. I say this because after replacing my MAF last week I know that the air only hits the MAFS from one side.


You can see in this picture that I found that the sensor is only exposed on the intake side and not the throttle body side. Also I don't think you will be able to get the MAFS mounted backwards due to the mounting holes aligning

Im thinking that wont work but what the heck try it. I say this because after replacing my MAF last week I know that the air only hits the MAFS from one side.


You can see in this picture that I found that the sensor is only exposed on the intake side and not the throttle body side. Also I don't think you will be able to get the MAFS mounted backwards due to the mounting holes aligning

ok thanks time to get the mind working
