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MAF's and TB's

June 14, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Pittsburgh, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLS
Okay, I have a new Mac intake installed and am waiting for delivery of a Gibson catback system. Since my X is apparently not chippable I'm now looking to put that money toward a MAF and/or TB. Are these available for my '02 4.0 SOHC yet? If so from who? What are the sizes of the stock MAF/TB and how do I know what size(s) to go with for aftermarket ones? If I can't afford both yet, which should I go with first, MAF or TB? Any and all comments would be greatly appreciated.



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The TB alone will do more for performance than the MAF will. The MAF won't do much for performance unless it is sized smaller than the TB, making it the restriction.

Go with 70 or 75mm TB (I think the stock one is 65mm), BBK makes them. But be ware that going to a larger TB will help with response at lower RPM, but does not really affect performance until you run at higher RPM above 3500 or 4000 RPM (In other words, your stock throttle body provides enough air flow at lower RPM). The larger throttle body maintains air flow at those higher RPM where more air needs to be injested by the engine.

The MAF is a measurement instrument. It tells the EEC about the air going into the engine, but does not affect the air flow in anyway, except for the diameter of the flow tube. As long as the MAF will flow at or above the flow allowed by the throttle body you are in good shape.

There aren't aftermarket TBs or MASs available for the SOHC, sorry.

What Alec said, not available. If they were, I would follow Guy Groves advice. Very hard to add horses to the SOHC compared to the other engines.

Now wait a second. The SOHC uses 24# injectors right?

Then any Ford or aftermarket MAS thats been calibrated for 24# injectors should work just fine....mounting it and wiring it may be tricky but I doubt it!


How much horsepower is to be gained with a bigger TB with an intake and exhaust already installed?
