Magic Box - Movies etc on display screen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Magic Box - Movies etc on display screen


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
I saw an ad for this on Facebook:

The Magic Box
Wireless CarPlay/Android Auto Adapter + Streaming
Sale price $389.00
Watch anything from your favorite streaming platform on your car's display screen.
Connect the Magic Box to any CarPlay device and instantly start enjoying it!

It would be nice to have while waiting sitting in the car, waiting for the wife.🤣 They show that it is compatible with the Explorer.

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I saw an ad for this on Facebook:

The Magic Box
Wireless CarPlay/Android Auto Adapter + Streaming
Sale price $389.00
Watch anything from your favorite streaming platform on your car's display screen.
Connect the Magic Box to any CarPlay device and instantly start enjoying it!

It would be nice to have while waiting sitting in the car, waiting for the wife.🤣 They show that it is compatible with the Explorer.
Interesting, thanks! I wonder if it really works. All I’m looking for is a way to use fb messenger via apple carplay, lol!

There are several boxes that do this and many are way less expensive than that. Essentially, they are using hacked source code from CarPlay to boot into Android OS which can run any Android apps and circumvent the limitations on CarPlay with the ability to switch between the Android OS and back into Carplay. Most of the other boxes I've seen that do this run half the cost. Some even have SIM card slots so no phone is necessary to provide a data connection. CarPlay Life on YouTube does reviews of these if you're interested but all of these are coming from China so I'd strongly recommend that if you do this, you use separate accounts from your main one in case there's spyware on embedded in it.

I have the AAwireles, Ottocast and now playaibox. Tbh, AAwireless seems to work easiest/"best" but connecting the wire to the phone still is best.

When using the dongle and having my phone (Galaxy S22+) on the wireless charger, it gets very hot. Especially when using anything GPS related. When it gets too hot, it starts to slow down.

The AAwireless seems to drop connection every so often, causing music to skip a beat. Otherwise it works.

The PlayAIbox is quite finnicky in regards of settings and very slow to startup.

The ottocast had a range of issues... possibly some updates will fix that but i haven't bothered to check anymore.

I even tried to have one of my old phones permanently in the car with a data sim, so you cant make calls with it but would do everything else. However, Android Auto block other bluetooth devices from connecting so then i cant use my primary phone to make calls in the car.

I really, REALLY hope some company comes up with an aftermarket android headunit like i had in my previous car or a Sync4 upgrade.

Wierd............I have an Ottocast and it works flawlessly. Once I realized you can't have anything other than numbers as your wifi password. I really don't use it a lot. I use it more for the wireless carplay. Pretty happy with it..............

I have the AAwireles, Ottocast and now playaibox. Tbh, AAwireless seems to work easiest/"best" but connecting the wire to the phone still is best.

When using the dongle and having my phone (Galaxy S22+) on the wireless charger, it gets very hot. Especially when using anything GPS related. When it gets too hot, it starts to slow down.

The AAwireless seems to drop connection every so often, causing music to skip a beat. Otherwise it works.

The PlayAIbox is quite finnicky in regards of settings and very slow to startup.

The ottocast had a range of issues... possibly some updates will fix that but i haven't bothered to check anymore.

I even tried to have one of my old phones permanently in the car with a data sim, so you cant make calls with it but would do everything else. However, Android Auto block other bluetooth devices from connecting so then i cant use my primary phone to make calls in the car.

I really, REALLY hope some company comes up with an aftermarket android headunit like i had in my previous car or a Sync4 upgrade.
I am looking at these AI box's a lot. I feel the Ford SNYC systems are mediocre at best. Funny, I installed a $200.00 Android head unit in my older pickup. It blows away the sound and performance of my XLT radio. Along with having wireless CarPlay. I am a music guy so audio quality is important to me.
My question is, do these AI boxes improve the sound of the OEM radio with equalizers and DSP? Also can you use car launchers like CarWebGuru?

I am looking at these AI box's a lot. I feel the Ford SNYC systems are mediocre at best. Funny, I installed a $200.00 Android head unit in my older pickup. It blows away the sound and performance of my XLT radio. Along with having wireless CarPlay. I am a music guy so audio quality is important to me.
My question is, do these AI boxes improve the sound of the OEM radio with equalizers and DSP? Also can you use car launchers like CarWebGuru?

I do notice a difference when uaing tidal or other high quality streaming services, but tbh i liked the spotify UI so much more i've stuck with it.

Dont know about carwebguru, never heard of it.

I reallllly hope some company will come with an android head unit, would be so much better.
