Make my suggestion a real deal! -Screen off Button | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Make my suggestion a real deal! -Screen off Button

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I'd love to but I can't think of a single reason to do this.

No. Am I weird? lol

Everything I need is on that screen. If I had actual buttons to control other stuff it would be one thing but I'm not afforded that option.

Ya I am kinda thinking the same, why would I ever want the screen off?

I always like knowing the information on the home screen at a glance, or I switch to navigation and leave it alone.

Sorry no love here.

Ya I am kinda thinking the same, why would I ever want the screen off?

I always like knowing the information on the home screen at a glance, or I switch to navigation and leave it alone.

Sorry no love here.

And your the kind of guy who leaves the screen on their computer on the entire time they are on patrol aren't you? I turn mine off when I'm not getting a call or getting info from it. It translates to my personal car. On dark roads I like to see the road and not the screen.

Or you're sitting in the car at night "getting to know" a lady friend and you want the music to keep playing but the bright screen is distracting...

And your the kind of guy who leaves the screen on their computer on the entire time they are on patrol aren't you? I turn mine off when I'm not getting a call or getting info from it. It translates to my personal car. On dark roads I like to see the road and not the screen.

On dark roads I close the lid of the Panasonic CF-31, then it goes dark.

Or you're sitting in the car at night "getting to know" a lady friend and you want the music to keep playing but the bright screen is distracting...

I second the option - however its already in the menu. Used it many times - and with great results as a result of turning the screen off.

Or you're sitting in the car at night "getting to know" a lady friend and you want the music to keep playing but the bright screen is distracting...

This scenario might piss my wife off.

Or you're sitting in the car at night "getting to know" a lady friend and you want the music to keep playing but the bright screen is distracting...
all you need to make it complete is to turn off all the damned outside and inside lights, too

I'd really like the stealth mode from the Police package. There have been a couple situations where I wanted to be able to enter and exit the vehicle without announcing my presence with a light show.
