MFT A/C button out-of-sync | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MFT A/C button out-of-sync


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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When I turn the car on, the A/C light is turned on the sony display and the A/C is obviously on. But the A/C button on the MFT screen is off. If I toggle A/C then it comes on. Restart the car and it shows it back off again. Anyone notice the same thing? Looks like a bug

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When I turn the car on, the A/C light is turned on the sony display and the A/C is obviously on. But the A/C button on the MFT screen is off. If I toggle A/C then it comes on. Restart the car and it shows it back off again. Anyone notice the same thing? Looks like a bug

If by Sony Display your talking about the buttons below the radio then yes.
My button will be on (and auto button) and a/c is definitely on but when you go to the climate screen a/c is off. It takes a couple of pushes to get it to light up. Some days it lit and other days it isn't. I don't worry about it anymore.

I have this exact problem. The dealer said they had never seen it before, then told me today they had a few cars with the same problem in today. Said they contacted Ford and a fix will be out in a week

I have this exact problem. The dealer said they had never seen it before, then told me today they had a few cars with the same problem in today. Said they contacted Ford and a fix will be out in a week

Thanks for the info. A week? I will not be holding my breath!:D

Yeah I am curious about that too. Is the dealer positive? I'm not sure what the release schedule is for MFT...their last update was apparently in March

Kind of remember something about next update in third quarter.

Same issue on mine, noticed it a few months back.

Sync System

I've not had my 2013 Ford Explorer less than a month and had the Sync system replaces twice!! AND IT STILL DOES NOT WORK!! Radio comes on after I make a call, radio will not turn off, Calls sound like I'm drowning in water. Radio stays on even after car is turned off and door opened. I keep hearing the "update" will fix everything. So if they know the "update" will fix it, that must mean they knew they were selling me a faulty system......guess where I'm headed next......

I've not had my 2013 Ford Explorer less than a month and had the Sync system replaces twice!! AND IT STILL DOES NOT WORK!! Radio comes on after I make a call, radio will not turn off, Calls sound like I'm drowning in water. Radio stays on even after car is turned off and door opened. I keep hearing the "update" will fix everything. So if they know the "update" will fix it, that must mean they knew they were selling me a faulty system......guess where I'm headed next......

I hate to disappoint you but those of us here since we bought our 2011/12's were told stability and basic functionality would be fixed with the last few upgrades.

Thats how the system got the nickname "My Ford Disappointment"

I've not had my 2013 Ford Explorer less than a month and had the Sync system replaces twice!! AND IT STILL DOES NOT WORK!! Radio comes on after I make a call, radio will not turn off, Calls sound like I'm drowning in water. Radio stays on even after car is turned off and door opened. I keep hearing the "update" will fix everything. So if they know the "update" will fix it, that must mean they knew they were selling me a faulty system......guess where I'm headed next......

My 2013 Explorer is 2 months old and I've never had any of those problems... I would get it checked at the dealer
