manual trans stuck in 4th | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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manual trans stuck in 4th


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Moderator Emeritus
January 3, 2008
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Sioux Narrows Canada
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Elite Canuck,multiple ifs offender,, and musky maniac,, i wheel and i fish,,
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 xls,96 xl,91,08 Ranger
Well , i bought a usad 1990 Ranger for my Mom, ao she could have a small truck .
Previous owner was the origional owners son.
He drove it for a while , maybe a few months, .
It's really nice inside and has a manual 5 speed, and manual transfer case and manual hubs as well,
the problem is it is stuck in 4th gear.
when in nuetral it seems to be in gear and will shift sort of into 4th when in nuetral , but fully in gear when set to 4th .
Am i going to have to take the trans out and rebuild it or do i have anything i can do to get it working without removing it ? seems the shift rail may be stuck,
I think it is the Mitsu trans but will make sure of that soon and post which one it has,,

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Not familiar with that tranny. But I have had similar problems with other makes.
If it has two shifting levers on the side of the tranny, then I would take off the links and manually move them. Sounds like the one that should be in a neutral position has moved the synchronizer partially onto a gear. May have to tap on it a little to move.
If you do get it to shift this way, I would then put both in neutral position and then adjust the linkages. The shifter might have a hole to insert drill bit into to align the shifting tabs perfectly before adjusting the links to fit.

it is a top loader so the shifter goes into the top of the trans,,

Try pushing the clutch in?
jk jk, i know you dont need to, but i thought it was a funny suggestion.

But in all seriousness, what have you tried already to try and get it out of 4th?
the jiggle jaggle with a little force?

Sounds like a synchro to me.. Time to rebuild
