MAS, OHC and the SOHC use the same one? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MAS, OHC and the SOHC use the same one?


December 27, 2000
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A friend of mine bought a 99 explorer, with a OHC engine (salvage).

It has a squared air filter (isn't that only for SOHC's? i ask because perhaps they replaced it with the wrong one).

I have a 98 explorer sport with the SOHC engine, are both mass air sensors the same? I ask because he went to pass the smog and they told him it was faulty.

I am thinking A. maybe the stock air box got messed up and they replaced that with a SOHC one along with the MAS (therefor giving bad codes).

Or B. his MAS is messed up, and we can put mine in there to make sure thats the problem



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OHV you mean?

The housings may be the same, but the electronics are most likely different. I don't think swapping them would work. Could be wrong though.

The connectors for the cone style filter and the flat filter MAS's different. So if it plugs up correctly, you know it was designed for that type air box and MAS.

My service CD makes no indication of different MAS for the SOHC and the OHV. I also seriously doubt Ford would spend the money to make two different kinds of sensors if they only had to make one kind.

The mass air sensors are similar, the main difference is the elt.connector. There is a 4 pin style and a 6 pin style. Obviously they need to match. Ford changed to 6 pin 98-99. There is not a consistant production date as to when the change was made. If you ever update or change your MAF, be sure to check the connector.

John V @ EE


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thanks for the quick responces....

i went to check it out, the people that fixed his truck put the wrong sensor...

his sensor uses 6 wires but the MAS only uses 4 (wrong one).


