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Merry Christmahanukakwanza

MERRY CHRISTMAS and MERRY whatever you celebrate!!!

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Well, now that it is official, let me be the first to say:

Merry Christmas

Haha. Only 5 and a half hours till present time and I'm wired! Woohoo! Christmas!

..And everyone lived happily ever after, except for Kyle who died of AIDS two weeks later. The End :D

Merry Xmas to all.

Merry Christmas to all!! I hope Santa brought all the Explorer toys you wanted ;)

As they say in Hawaii:

Mele Kalikimaka!

It seemed strange to here Christmas music playing everywhere in Hawaii, and walking around in the warm, sunny weather. Oh well, I'm back in Virginia as of yesterday, so I have no more misconceptions that it's not Christmas. Brrrr!!!
