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Milage and Yr

2005 4wd w/ 188,x..

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2005 XLT 4WD with 76,000.

Working on a 2001 with 159k
Had 1 inch of sludge under the valve covers when the rear timing chain guide failed.
Looks to have been poorly maintained. Put in a VERY clean motor for an 02 with 62k.
odo will turn 200k plus for sure :)

Year and mileage

2003 4x4 with 55,000 miles.

96 XLT with 210k and still chuggin... off-roading and daily driving

2002 4x4 189k.

It's had a rash of troubles the last couple of years, but I drive allot of miles daily to work in PA/NY on dirt roads and hills and often haul heavy loads (abusively overloaded) both in the bed and on a trailer. It's really holding up well considering the abuse it gets. The washboard dirt roads throw the alignment out all the time, and steering/suspension parts are failing one after another. Needs brakes every 6-8 months. I replaced a full size 3/4 ton Dodge with the 02 ST to save on gas, but I do everything I did with the big truck. I'm quite sure if I find the time to get the old dodge back on the road and use it for the heavy hauling my little ST will stop having issues.

Just bought my 2002 with just over 69k on it..excited to have found one with such low miles :)

2005 XLT 2 wheel drive. 68,000. So far so good!!

2004 4x4 111,300

It had 4 miles on it when I test drove it and then bought it. I had to replace both front wheel bearings at 84,000 miles otherwise it has been nothing but regular maintenance. My BIL just put a 40 series FlowMaster on it with dual exhaust.
