Missing part on spare tire carrier? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Missing part on spare tire carrier?


Elite Ranger
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Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
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Omao, Kauai
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
What does this missing part look like exactly?
This truck did not come with a spare when I got it, and I want to put one in.
I’m not familiar with the factory spare and carrier on Rangers and Gen1 Ex’s as I removed it from my other truck over twenty years ago when I first went to larger tires.
I’ve seen mention of an eye bolt, and I’m guessing it goes through one lug hole on the tire and threads into the hole where my finger is, yes?
Any insight or photo of the piece appreciated.

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Mine has a cable with a top hat shaped plate that goes through the center of the wheel. I have a bent rod over my radiator that plugs into a hole below the back hatch and cranks up or down the spare tire with a built in winch. As far as I know this was standard for all first gen Explorers.


The 93 ranger does not use the spare tire winch......................

Hmm, maybe I incorrectly assumed all gen1 had the swingarm holder, and the winch style came on later years.
This is on a 94 Ranger/Mazda.
I can get a winch assembly from truck being parted out, and convert. Or just try a using bolt from the store on the. Urgent swingarm carrier...

My bad, missed that it was a Ranger. I do think the winch is pure luxury unless it gets rusty and needs replacement.

My bad, missed that it was a Ranger. I do think the winch is pure luxury unless it gets rusty and needs replacement.
No, my bad, I did not say originally it was a Ranger, and, I did post (purposefully) in the gen1 section.
Jamie just knows what I drive. ;)

I know that a '99 is 2nd Gen and mine has the winch style. Could he add it to his 1st Gen if parts were available off of an Explorer? Of course a hole would have to be made at a certain point below the tailgate to line up with the "winch hole" inlet.

check this out

After watching the video I see how the '93-'97 spare tire holder works and The Explorer style winch will not work because the '90s Explorers and the '98 up Rangers have a real sturdy cross member that the winch mounts to and then the spare rests against it .
A quick pro and con, when the shiny side of the spare is down the valve stem is accessible to check and fill the spare. When the shiny side is up the visual side of the wheel doesn't get road rash.
Thanks 410Fortune for this info, I know it wasn't my post originally but I learned something about Rangers. My Nephew has a '94 and I will share this with his Dad to make sure his spare is there and how it works.

Haha, perfect video! That’s the exact same learning curve I went through. Same rusted non moving parts, same figuring out what the thread count for that bolt is. Thanks Jamie!

After looking at that video I'm really glad I have the spare tire winch, and that I live without road salt.

Bringing back memories here Bill...

From the factory it comes with a eye bolt that goes through the wheel from the top and threads in. If I remember right you could get a 30" tire max in there.

I like how he kept saying it was rusted to the sway bar..... if that is your rear sway bar we are in trouble

I recently stuffed a 285 16 under a 98 Ranger...........a full 32" spare tire under 98 ranger, worked out pretty well!



My 97 F350 uses a similar style tire carrier to Bill's 93 Ranger that's how I knew what to look for.... I gave up trying to fit a 35" tire under the bed of my f350 though and put a 38 gallon fuel tank there instead

I recently stuffed a 285 16 under a 98 Ranger...........a full 32" spare tire under 98 ranger

I think your right. I could not remember if it was just a 31" or 33" tire. So I played it safe.

I believe the winch style can fit a bigger tire as it’s just limited by frame width.
The swing arm style has that tube bracket that is narrower than the frame. I’m using a spare from an 03 Ranger that I measure at 28.5” and it juuust fits if I really push it in there. This truck is only running 31’s so it not too embarrassingly small. ;)

The winch style can fit a 32" tire and I moved the mounts on the frame with a sawzall and welder to make this happen. Tire sits on top of the frame rails. I left room for a full tread 32, no way a 33" will fit, not on this truck due to the trailer hitch, leaf springs and rear pumpkin

Spare tire bracket? Mine feel off about 7 years ago from rust. Always seemed to have operation issues. Havent missed it and I do not think the 32" tire will fit nicely there. It is a 95 Ex Sport and there is plenty of room in the cargo hold for it.

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Largest tire I was able to stuff under the Explorer was a 33" (285/75/16). Had to cut the front part of the bracket out to fit but it went in. I eventually too it out when I found that the tire was rubbing against the shock, also the fact the leveraging up an 80lb tire and rim off the ground when you are on the trail is a pain in the ass.
