Mitsubishi or Mazda 5 Speed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mitsubishi or Mazda 5 Speed


"I'm counting to 3, then I'm getting your dad."
Elite Explorer
March 16, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Woodstock, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Ford Explorer 4.6l
According to the Haynes manual, my 1994 came with one of the two manual transmissions and they take different fluid.

how do I determine which one I have?

its 4wd, Trans code “M” with a D4 rear end.

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I've read that Mitsubishi tranny were used, but I have never seen one, or even heard of anyone actually having one in their Explorer.

Here is a picture of a Mazda M5OD.

I would think the only way an Explorer would have the Mitsubishi was if it was an early 91 model.
You 99.99 sure have the Mazda.

I would think the only way an Explorer would have the Mitsubishi was if it was an early 91 model.
You 99.99 sure have the Mazda.
Quite possible. The Haynes manual covers the first gen, not just ‘94.

Just make sure the shift rail plugs in the top cover right behind the shift lever are not leaking or have been replaced with metal plugs. I didn't and it cost me a transmission and a lot of work.

The mitsubishi and toyo 5 speeds never made it into the Gen I explorer..........they were only in Rangers and BII
ALL 4.0 trucks ONLY came with the mazda 5 speed
The mitsubishi and Toyokogo 5 speeds were only used behind the 2.8 and 2.9L

Just make sure the shift rail plugs in the top cover right behind the shift lever are not leaking or have been replaced with metal plugs. I didn't and it cost me a transmission and a lot of work.
So, that’s a funny story. My ‘94 was making a slight rattling sound, and only when the trans was engaged and having just shifted. Mechanic friend said it was most likely those plugs.
So I stopped driving it till I could pull the seats etc to get to the plugs. Then my ‘04 got a gas leak so I had to dust off the ‘94.
I’m teaching my son to drive and decided it was time for him to learn a stick. We stopped on a hill and I showed him how you can bump start a manual trans vehicle.
Well, doing this is always a little rough/jolting but then there was this loud clang noise as something metal fell off onto the road.
Needless to say there’s no rattling sound anymore.

I had talked to a trans shop and they’d said those plug leaks are very slow. That usually people drive for a long time with a leak before there’s damage. As my ‘94 only gets about 2k miles on it every 5 years, he said to just check and top off the trans.


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Is that the cat heat shield?

yes it is

yes it is
I’ve not had a chance to look. Is it a bottom shield not top shield?

I need to drive it today for about 2 hours. Don’t want to cause any issues.

the bottom and top shields are similar, the bottom one has more holes for draining water
If the bottom shield comes off the top is not far behind

I drove for years with no shields on my converters....... once they rattle, I removed them
Now days I weld them back up to get rid of the rattle, or just remove the cat altogether :)
