Sweet photos! It sure looks beautiful out there!!
Update on my father in law... Great news for a change!!
Char and I had no idea what to expect, other than what we were told from his doctors, and adult protective services in Texas. I am beyond angry with adult protective services. His case manager was absolutely clueless. She claimed he was a hard core alcoholic who couldn't put the bottle down. Since he has been with us, which is one week as of tonight, he hasn't asked for a drink at all. Not once. Not only that, but Char has him cutting back on cigarettes to only 10 per day. He was smoking multiple packs before he got here.
The first couple days he couldn't walk across the house without his walker, and he he had to stop to catch his breath going from room to room. Yesterday he walked from his room, outside and back with no walker, and no shortness of breath.
I am so glad we got him here when we did. I really think things can turn around for him.
Oh, and he eats like a horse that's been starved!