Planning EF's 25th anniversary runs in 2021 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Planning EF's 25th anniversary runs in 2021

Moab would be fun! I used to live in Farmington NM and spent a lot of time there. I'd be willing to do/help with something here in the Black Hills of South Dakota quite a few trails from mild to wild another member lives down the street from me I'll se what he has to say. I'd love to do some runs on the out lying trails around Moab with some of the not as well equipped Explorers, did my time on the hard stuff in Moab in m y other rigs already :)

The Black Hills is a beautiful area. Really wished I had my rig when we drive through on our way to Mt. Rushmore.

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The Black Hills is a beautiful area. Really wished I had my rig when we drive through on our way to Mt. Rushmore.
Used to wheel quite a lot in AZ also anywhere from the cinders to the trails all around Phoenix, still have
lots of Early Bronco friends down there.

Truckhaven is given, we'll see if I do a Moab or Rubicon trip. Economy is going to control everything for this.

We need to be done with this already.

2021 will mark the 25th anniversary for the Explorer Forum community. Now that so many are "Sheltering at home" I thought it may be a good time to see what our members would like to do to mark the event. For our 10th anniversary we had several runs across the country, each region set up their own event/s. I know that with time life has changed and many folks no longer own their Explorer offroad rigs, but there are still many of us who do, so let's see what we can put together!

Moab and Truck Haven are givens. We just need to firm up dates for both.

I would like help from the Mid-West and East Coast guys, and gals to get something going in your part of the world. I would like to make another cross country trip to participate. It's been too long and I need to hit the road again. :thumbsup::pumpkin:
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Wish I lived closer!

I'd be down for anything on the east coast. My ranger is ready to go but I'd have to find some good trail tires before I go. Not trying to scuff up my new dubs lol. This is the extent of my wheeling with them so far.....


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I'm going to throw this out there too - any interest in an Overland style run as well for the 25th? 3-5 days, moving every day and camping each night on the trail. I'm willing to help set this one up if there is enough interest. Potential areas/states: OK, NM, CO, UT, AZ, NV, CA

I'm going to throw this out there too - any interest in an Overland style run as well for the 25th? 3-5 days, moving every day and camping each night on the trail. I'm willing to help set this one up if there is enough interest. Potential areas/states: OK, NM, CO, UT, AZ, NV, CA

That sounds like a good time. I like it :D

Truckhaven is given, we'll see if I do a Moab or Rubicon trip. Economy is going to control everything for this.

We need to be done with this already.

Hopefully when this crap is over folks will get back to work and will be ready to rock!

Subscribing. I may be in depending on the date. Been a long time since I went to Truckhaven.

Moab, sure.

Rubicon could be good, but camping at spider lake was pretty restricted last I knew. Camping at buck island is good, but to get there is interesting let's just say.

It would have to be a restricted run, simply due to the vehicle requirements - no 2wd, must be lifted with at least 35's, lockers and winches preferred.

Now, if a high sierra run off hwy50 is ok, there is interesting places to go with less capable vehicles..

I can't quite commit to anything in 2021, especially given the State of the world right now, but if there is a push to put together a run near the Rubicon, I can at least suggest and give coordinates, and trail info on trails and runs that would be more forgiving for folks with vehicles that couldn't handle what the Ruby throws are people. I have spent over a decade overlanding and playing around the Sierra Mountains and Northern CA, please let me know if anyone is interested in trail info or suggestions and I can definitely share what I know.

Moab would be fun! I used to live in Farmington NM and spent a lot of time there. I'd be willing to do/help with something here in the Black Hills of South Dakota quite a few trails from mild to wild another member lives down the street from me I'll se what he has to say. I'd love to do some runs on the out lying trails around Moab with some of the not as well equipped Explorers, did my time on the hard stuff in Moab in m y other rigs already :)
Badlands Ntl Pk is always an interesting drive. For those that have never driven the Black Hills, there are plenty of places up on the mtn to have fun. Lots to see and do. Hill City is a blast to visit before it is over run with bikers.

I am in Colorado and just have a stock 2nd gen 4x4, but I'll totally attend a off road trip!

I am in Colorado and just have a stock 2nd gen 4x4, but I'll totally attend a off road trip!
You don’t need much to make it capable. Shackles a TT and some 31s go a long way.

I have kicked this off by starting a Truck Haven 2021 thread:

We need to get together on a date for the run.
Please offer your input in the planning thread.

Just throwing it out there for the Texas guys and other sou'westers, Big Bend is a great area to tackle, shouldn't be too hot around May. However considering where it is, I think it may be close to the same distance to Moab, even for us in the south side of the Lone Star State, lol.

Gotta decide which rig to take... more than likely it will be a Red redux (I might even have fixed everything by then :laugh:), but Stripe would be an interesting challenge being stick.

Just throwing it out there for the Texas guys and other sou'westers, Big Bend is a great area to tackle, shouldn't be too hot around May. However considering where it is, I think it may be close to the same distance to Moab, even for us in the south side of the Lone Star State, lol.

Big Bend is a fun one. I would suggest March for this. I was there five years ago at the beginning of March and it was 90 degrees at the river, 70s and 80s in the higher elevations. It would be 100 degrees everywhere in May. Nothing was hard, stock Explorers would do fine even on Black Gap with a little spotting up/down the ledge. Big Bend Ranch State Park is something I would like to check out, harder and more remote trails from what I have heard compared to the National Park. Maybe combine both into one trip. This could potentially be the overland style trip I mentioned in this thread earlier too although it would be a lot farther for most of the members on here. Either way I would be interested.



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This might sound a bit crazy, but I am starting to think we should nail down a date, for the Moab 2021 run now.

With all the cancelled meets in Moab this season, there could be some reservations pushed to 2021, for those that had planned for 2020. This would mean that fewer spots for camping/lodging will be available. The spots left, will go faster than normal if this happens. I know some people need a full year, to get approved vacation time from work also.

I have noticed we have gone to Moab on different dates over the years, but seems like it's always somewhere between mid May to mid June. Any rhyme or reason for this? Holiday, other Moab meets going on, personal reasons, etc....?

