modified 3rd brake light?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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modified 3rd brake light??

I am looking to do something different with my 3rd brake light. Does anyone out there have any ideas? Is there a "blackout cover" or ford logo that could be put over it or something? What about different colored bulb or strobe????

Also...anybody seen the "carbon fiber" blackouts yet? I am getting ready to buy a set but don't know if I should get regular blackouts or the new carbon fiber kind.

Any and all help/advice/suggestions greatly appreciated!


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Talk to <<<MONOCHROMOUS>>> (Bob), he ahs a GTS blakcout for the 3rd taillight. I dont know how he got it, because I havent seen them for sale anywhere. MLB2Night (his brother) may know where he got them also. If he still has it, he might sell them.

Appreciate the help! I will try and get in touch with them as I really want to do this. I even thought of possibly taking some thin sheet metal and putting it inside the lens to block the light and cut the word "Ford" out of the metal so the only light that will shine through when I hit my brakes will be the word "Ford"

As far as legal issues...of course there are issues. Anything we do that didn't come from factory seems to become an issue.

I plan to buy PIAA stop/tail bulbs that are brighter than normal which will really help my cause out.

Thanks again!

Anyone heard of maybe a clear third brake light???

A clear lens 3rd light is what I originally hoped for. Had no luck though. And trust me when I say I looked into it. Other than maybe having a fabrication shop make one??? I am not going to get that involved...just yet anyway. I am looking into blacking it out somehow.

I found a sight that offered a 3rd brake LED assembly that said "FORD" in script lettering. It was the whole assembly though which would require some major work or hooking up to a different place. It cost 100 bucks!

I am looking for a cheaper route right now.

I was wondering about having rear clears except for that third brake light. Would it look weird? It would help for being seen in the day though cuz with the red bulbs on the clears, they are just two pink dots that you can barely see..

You could go to a store like Radioshack and get some red LED's and arrange them in the light to say FORD. The are fairly cheap and easy to do.

Check out Physkotone's (check spelling) ride. He masked out 3 little circles in it and made some really cool headlight covers for the 91-94's. It was in the Explorer Sport Forum a while ago.


I am assuming that you are thinking about a clear lens being on there in order for the radioshack LED's to work. Red lens obviously would defeat the idea. Finding a clear lens for the light is the problem. If I could find that then figuring a way to dress the lights up would be fairly easy. Right lens is only thing available.

If my thinking is wrong please let me know as maybe I am having a mental block??:banghead:

Thanks for the ideas...I really do appreciate it! I will post pics of my ride here soon.

sorry this has nothing to do with the subject but what are optiblue parking lights?

Just namebrand of parking and corner bulbs that I have. I have clear front lenses and the only quality manufacturer that makes blue bulbs calls them "Optiblue".

Guarantteed not to fade and the watts is precisely what I need to have that look that is good but not ricey! I have a new pearl/emerald type of blue paint job and at night when I just have my optiblue lights on it looks awesome!

I asked monocrhomous long ago about that GTS cover.. I do not recall exactly what he said, but it was along the lines that he cut it to fit there out of some kind of smoked material.. another thing you may awnt to look at is spray on tint, ilikedellcomputers used it on his taillights, it loosk great.

I have a stock 3rd brake light with clears, it looks fine IMO.

I have never seen a clear 3rd light on anything except a neon and I must say, its best you keep the stock one on there, I know its a cramp to the style and all, I felt that too at first, but you know how clears can be.. itd be good to have the stock one so you won't be replacing bulbs/having brightness problems like clears tend to have all around.

i thought about converting my third brakelight to LED cause i love the way they turn on and off, its just all on or all off no getting brighter then dimming out. the third brake light i can do with LED no problem but the other two would be hard. i think i could prolly use a pair of red neons in each taillight housing

Originally posted by glc8937
Just namebrand of parking and corner bulbs that I have. I have clear front lenses and the only quality manufacturer that makes blue bulbs calls them "Optiblue".

Guarantteed not to fade and the watts is precisely what I need to have that look that is good but not ricey! I have a new pearl/emerald type of blue paint job and at night when I just have my optiblue lights on it looks awesome!

I disagree. I have some blue/superwhite corner lights that are made by some foreign (Chinese?) company and they work great and have never faded. APCs suck though.

Originally posted by glc8937
Just namebrand of parking and corner bulbs that I have. I have clear front lenses and the only quality manufacturer that makes blue bulbs calls them "Optiblue".

Guarantteed not to fade and the watts is precisely what I need to have that look that is good but not ricey! I have a new pearl/emerald type of blue paint job and at night when I just have my optiblue lights on it looks awesome!

Who makes those and how much do they run? Where did you get them? I'm tired of the orange bulbs cuz you cant even tell I have clears...

I beleive optiblue is the company name.

taco, tried that, heh, I contacted sylvania about it and everythig. The 3rd brake light on the '95-'97 exploreres is some kind of luminesce or something like that, its based on the neon platform and is exact on and off like an LED. I talked to them about some sort of retrofit of this technology into some taillights, but they say it would be too much trouble for the profit (basically) they're very nice people, but not much on the helpful side hehe.

if you want just LEDs in your taillights, jamstrait makes a 15 LED unit that has a 3157 socket on the back. At night they are AMAZING but during the day its 2 round dots in your taillight, I wouldn't advise that kinda thing unless you have clears, the stock light may just confuse people or make them think you have a wiring problem.

There is also a company that does retrofit into classic cars using LED technology.. , I contacted them to see what they would charge to convert my clears to something like that but got no reply from them, its been like 3 months, apparently they don't want my business cos I would have paid a good bit for those.

what I'm sort of poking at right now is a sort of altezza approach that uses an LED cluster perhaps like that on the back of a fedex truck. Crystal lense, chrome housing with 2 round red LED clusters, I think it'd look pretty good, but its hard to describe, ya know what I mean?

I went thru a site called

The optiblue bulbs run $2.50 each. I did my homework before buying the bulbs and I am sure there are other quality bulbs out there but I did not come across them while searching. I checked out over 50 threads on this site about different people's opinions and experiences when it came to colored bulbs and what looked good and so on.

Be it a good choice or not...I found the optiblue bulbs at to be perfect for my needs. I am sure I will change in due time as I am always wanting "change". I wish PIAA would make some!

I have on order a billet polished aluminum grill.....once that comes in and I install it I will take some pics of my ride and the blue lights and hopefully cool looking 3rd brake lens. Still working on some ideas before I "go for it".

They have neon 3rd brake lights if you wanted that!

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A neon 3rd brake light might be pretty cool. I would have to see it first to know for sure but worth looking into. Where can I find them????? Or do I use a universal neon stick and try to make that work?

Let me know:D

