Mounting KC 5x7's | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mounting KC 5x7's

I'm sure this has been posted *doh* If it has, a moderator can delete this post.

I got a set of KC 5x7 lights. I was thinking about two options.
*bolting them directly to the roof (is this bad?)
*putting a piece of metal between the crossmembers of the roofrack and bolting them on to that.

Is this futile? is there a decent spot to put these suckers? Money for a brushguard or lightbar is not in the equation right now.



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If you put them directly on the roof, make sure you silicon the crap out of the holes. But if they are just on the roof, I dont think they will sit up high enough.

Your best bet is to use your roof rack reinforced with a metal support bracket. Your roof rack is strong, but the metal will be good so you can tighten the bolts down enough. They will never be tight in the plastic crossmembers and will vibrate loose. Good Luck.

Its a 91... there is some plastic

would they work well enough installed on the bumper or grille?

i'v got a pair of procomp 130's bolted to my bumper. a few other people have bolted lights to the bumper.

i'll see if i can get pics tommorrow since i'm off for the next 2 days.

Yeah, they would be better suited there anyway. Just two small hole to screw in, or you can fab up some brackets. HOKIE has done this.

here is a picture of the procomps


i have them wired with a relay and a switch to the factory high beams.
