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MTF or Phone?


Well-Known Member
September 8, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
Ford Explorer Limite 2016
With the last update to 2.11 the phone was connected immediately upon entering the vehicle, with this new update every time I go I have to connect manually, everything in the phone is set to connect automatically, and MTFs alike, someone has happened , any idea or solution? Thanks

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It has been my experience that the phone connects much faster with the update. Have you tried pulling fuse 29 or disconnecting the car's battery for a few minutes? Others on this forum seem to have had good luck with either of those getting rid of little problems.

Sometimes mine is instant, other times 30 sec, fine with me and it consist with before and after the upgrade

With the new update, Ford recommends a fresh pairing of your phone(s). If you haven't tried this already, delete your phone from MFT, and then repair it. That should give you a fresh start and hopefully solve any issues you have.

With the new update, Ford recommends a fresh pairing of your phone(s). If you haven't tried this already, delete your phone from MFT, and then repair it. That should give you a fresh start and hopefully solve any issues you have.
That is what my salesman also suggested as we both sat in the vehicle after the update going through the screens. We deleted the phone and then went through the setup again as if it were new. Haven't had any problems so far.


Thanks guys, delete the phone number of MTF, then went back to connect and so far so good

Iphone problems

Since the install of the new MFT software, my IPhone has not worked properly even when it does sync. Voice commands are not recogonized most of the time. Phone sometimes also does not connect automatically. I have deleted the phone, removed address book and then paired it to system. Phone worked better with previous software. Anyone else running into this problem?

Since the install of the new MFT software, my IPhone has not worked properly even when it does sync. Voice commands are not recogonized most of the time. Phone sometimes also does not connect automatically. I have deleted the phone, removed address book and then paired it to system. Phone worked better with previous software. Anyone else running into this problem?

Try pulling fuse 29 or disconnecting the battery for a short time. It seems that after the update it needs to be rebooted sometimes to get it working correctly. A bit silly, but it works.

Also, try deleting MFT from your phone, deleting your phone from MFT, and rebooting the phone prior to repairing.

Hey everyone!

Other users have said reverse pairing their phone has helped. Here are the instructions should you need them:

Go into your Bluetooth Settings on your phone and make sure Discoverable mode is set to always or ON.
When your phone shows up on the MFT screen, select it.
Type in the Pass-key of 0000 and touch ENTER.
Your phone will now ask you to enter in a Pass-key, type in 0000 and the equivalent of OK.
Both devices should now connect to each other.

