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Music on Memory Stick


Elite Explorer
January 29, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Front Range of CO
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Ford Explorer Sport
I have a 2016 Explorer Sport.
Up to now, I've been using an Apple iPod that is dedicated to this vehicle for my in-vehicle music. It appears as though the iPod's battery is starting to fail, as it won't last more that a couple of days of the Explorer not being driven without getting a "low battery" warning, or not playing at all due to a dead iPod battery.
The music that is on the iPod is synced to an Apple MacMini that functions as my main music source in the house. Most of not all of the music files are Apple Lossless, the vast majority having been burned from audio CD's. I'm not sure what the 3 letter file suffixes are. Out of 3,000+ music files, about 60 - 70 are downloaded, everything else is burned from CD's.
About a year or so ago, I download some music from the MacMini to a USB Memory Stick and play the Memory Stick in the Explorer, but I got a "File not Recognized" (or something like that) error message. I did not investigate further as my iPod was still functioning, so I don't know if the issue was with the files themselves, or with the formatting of the Memory Stick.
It has gotten to the point where I'd like to move from the iPod to a USB Memory Stick plugged into the Explorer. I'd like to know if others have been able to play Apple Lossless music files from a USB Memory Stick in their 2016 Explorer. What were your experiences? Should I direct this question to a Mac Specific Forum (such as Mac Rumors?)

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I believe Apple Lossless files are encoded as .m4a. Don't think Sync2 or 3 can read those files.
My USB stick has .mp3 or .flac files with the .flac being lossless.
I recommend that you use iTunes to convert the .m4a files into .flac or 320kbps .mp3 as you save them on the USB stick.

I didn't think anyone else used the USB for music. I have a 2017 Limited.

I loaded most of my music when I was using a Windows 7 computer so most of my music is WMA. I also have MP3 and MPEG-4 Audio.

I've never used Apple computers, is there a format option for USB drives that are only used by Apple?

I didn't think anyone else used the USB for music. I have a 2017 Limited.

I loaded most of my music when I was using a Windows 7 computer so most of my music is WMA. I also have MP3 and MPEG-4 Audio.

I've never used Apple computers, is there a format option for USB drives that are only used by Apple?
If I remember correctly, a Mac can format a USB drive in either Windows or Mac formats.

If I remember correctly, a Mac can format a USB drive in either Windows or Mac formats.
yes, so someone else needs to verify that the Sony audio system can handle an Apple formatted USB drive. I don't have any first hand experience.

Ford's site is outdated so I'm taking info from other owners.

- 50,000 file limit.
- The supported music file types are .mp3, .wma, .wav, and .aac. Add .flac and maybe others for Sync 3.
- Sync 2 needs FAT32, later can be exFat or NTFS.

I run Sync 3.4.21265. SanDisk Ultra Fit 256GB NTFS USB 3.1 with 15,000+ .flac files. Takes 4 minutes to index on startup.


since there are a few people here that use the USB for music I thought I would see what you thought about the system. it is kind of obvious that Sony did not put a whole lot of effort into it's design of the user interface.

the radio cassette in my old 93 Explorer gave out and I replaced it with a Kenwood radio with a USB port. it had a great user interface and I had probably close to 100 different albums and it was easy to move between folders so I listened to a lot of it when I traveled. when I wanted to switch folders when in the menu screen turning the dial moved you from folder to folder. push a button and the music in that folder played.

I'm really disappointed with the interface with the Sony system. I don't listen to as wide of a range now because every time I want to switch folders I have to go all the way back to step one and navigate multiple selections to change folders. now I basically listen to a few "mix" folders. the way the entertainment system is so integrated into the car operation is it even possible to put in a third party system? if it is, I imagine it is very costly.

I converted my music files to AAC and loaded them to a 256gb USB Memory Stick that I formatted to FAT32. Just tried it in the garage & my Explorer was able to play a song from the memory stick.
I will be leaving on a week's ski trip to Telluride, CO that will be around 900 miles round trip. I guess that will be the acid test as to how it performs...
