Mustang 3V FRPP Shorties on Explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mustang 3V FRPP Shorties on Explorer?


December 19, 2010
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City, State
Mississauga, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Limited AWD
Just curious, I'm seriously considering on doing this ASAP because I have a cracked manifold on the passenger side. I got a 2nd vehicle (thank god) and now I'm thinking about putting shorties on it. I know the clearance is tight, but the shorties look like they'll clear. Anyone who's had the motor pulled out could most likely help.

2008 Explorer Limited AWD V8

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Why not just try to use the JBA shorty headers that are listed as a fit for the 2005 4.6L Explorer part number JBA-1678S, JBA-1678SJT, or JBA-1678SJS? I would think that part would be a better fit in terms of length than the mustang product. The immediate difference I see is that the 3V product 1675 has primary tubes of 1 5/8" where as 1678 has 1 1/2". Maybe call JBA and talk to their technical support and see what they say about fit, but remember unless you are considering reprogramming the vehicle with a custom tune you will never get the full potential out of the aftermarket headers.

Thanks for the response!
So, I've done a bit of research and figured out which shorties do fit and do clear the steering column on the driver side. The headers are BBK shorties for the Mustang 3V. Labour is really going to kill me because it's a tight fit. Looking at $1000 - $1400. Same price dealer was charging me for ONE side, this is both sides, new headers & gaskets! As for the tune, I will be getting that done next month once all the goodies arrive!

Lets us know how this works out. Interested in doing this myself

I'm definitely interested in doing this to my Explorer. Makes complete sense spending a few bucks to have both sides with aftermarket parts.

Also interested in how this goes - keep us posted pls

Taranmalhi -

any updates?

My stock manifolds are warped badly, and I just do not want to replace them with same faulty OEM design.

Hey guys,

Ended up sticking to a OEM manifold due to the minimal power gains from the shorties. I got a good deal on OEM manifolds, the shorties were $1800 w/install for just a extra 4hp. I did ask and they have put on the BBK shorties on numerous explorers, expeditions and f150's. They do work, but too costly in my opinion.

Thanks for the update
I would not care about the hp, I am more concerned how long the OEM last again before warping. I wonder if you double up the flange, weld another flange from an old manifold, and plane it.

Maybe it would not warp that easily.

You wouldn't happen to have a part number for the bbk headers would you ?
