My 5R55E transmission is leaking transmission fluid, and I have no reverse gear. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 5R55E transmission is leaking transmission fluid, and I have no reverse gear.

What did the reverse servo actuator look like?

Was the the servo pin intact or was it chipped? When you installed the servo o-rings did they stay even or did they turn on the servo? When you pulled the reverse servo cover, could you press the reverse band or was it hard to make it move?

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ranger7: the servo was clean, no cracks or chips. The band was springy when I pressed it with a screw driver. Either way I located a trans and should have it shipped next week friday.

95 explorer 4r55e tranny loads engine in park and runs 55mph in nuteral no reverse

rouse50: that sounds like a definite linkage issue.

linkage is perfect. have two trannies with same problem. the other is 93 4.0 4x4 Checked manual shift valve inside and out. I see from this foroum several people have the same problem but have saw no fix posted.

Well hopefully we are on the verge of having 2 threads here with resolutions pretty soon...( I just got my replacement tranny this weekend, and a member name Jamie has a thread: We are both working on the 4r/5r55e no Rev issue. The problem is that there are so many different reasons for no Rev. Some of the 4x4's have a shift fork that wears into it's bore causing lack of Rev, in some cases its catastrophic failure of internal hard parts. I suspect when I get the core outta my truck I will open it and find a cracked center support and bores out of round. Yet some cases - from what I have read a new VB takes care of the lack of reverse.

I thought in your case that linkage might have been an issue because your engine loads up in "Neutral" Do you get REV lights in REV?

reverse lights and indicators show correct. either a band or set of clutches are applied at all times.vehicle will pull in nuetral just lihe it is in drive. parking pawl holding it in place and reverse band is fighting the same forward pull. engine loads in reverse also. I feel it is a valve body problem , just wanted to hear from someone that had actualy fix the problem wwithout a complete rebuild or replacment
