My High School Burned DOWN! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My High School Burned DOWN!

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And where were you around 2:10 on the 2nd hahaha jk...
That is a major woops any idea what caused it ?
Any one get hurt that you know of ?

I heared it was A chemical fire. That would explain why they were there most of the day yesterday and still there now.

yea i heard that on the news yesterday, but they never said what high school, just one in g-boro. it sucks but i guess those kids are happy :p:

Not really. The alumni are pissed. There was a wall in the senior class hall that had been signed on for years. GONE! A friend of mine lost a bunch of his personal stuff. It hasn't been a picnic for these kids.

That Sux U cant replace the memories only hold on to the ones in ur head & make Sonme new ones but at least no one got hurt

Not really. The alumni are pissed. There was a wall in the senior class hall that had been signed on for years. GONE! A friend of mine lost a bunch of his personal stuff. It hasn't been a picnic for these kids.

yea i didnt mean they would be happy that the school burned down just that they would miss some school days kind of like snow days (i dont want to compare snow days to the school burning down because its alot more serious but i cant think of anything else).

i wonder how they are going to finish the school year

That Sux U cant replace the memories only hold on to the ones in ur head & make Sonme new ones but at least no one got hurt

My memories of high school are forgetting about high school, I hated it :D

None the less, finishing the school year with no school is pretty tough.

I believe the under classmen and juniors are going to be divided among the neighboring high schools and the senior class will graduate together. I was told they were going to be going to school in a real big church that is close by.

School's out Forever, Alice Cooper

You tell no lies.
