My Rant About My Sunday!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My Rant About My Sunday!!

Robb said:
[rant on]

Then, dinner prep time rolls around. Now, I have made a few lasagnes in my life, and all were pretty good..............until tonight. My fault tonight was following the recipe on the Muellers box. :rolleyes: Let's take a look at that recipe:


Now, reread that, and pay attention to what you are supposed to do with the "cheese" mixture that you made in the bowl..........................did ya get it? Yep, the lasagne recipe on the back of the box of "America's Favorite Pasta" is incomplete!!! If you follwed that recipe to the letter, you would end up with a dish of meat sauce and noodle layers.............and a bowl of cheese mix. Now, when I noticed this, I could have grabbed a cookbook with a REAL lasagne recipe in it, but I decided to just look at the picture and put the cheese where they showed it. Well, 50 minutes later, I got a dish of mush! The recipe sucks!! After trying to eat this disaster, I check their recipe against a real recipe, and the differences are noticable. :thumbdwn:

So, for my 3 goals of a Sunday, I accomplished 1.................and that was the easy one. :p

[rant off]

LOL .....Poor Robb, you got a box with typos. I've made that recipe so many times I don't follow the directions anymore, first a layer of the meat sauce, then a layer of noodles, then a layer of cheese mixture, and keep repeating until you have a layer of noodles on top. Cover it with meat sauce, cover pan with foil and bake for 50 minutes, during the last 15-20 minutes of baking,
remove foil and sprinkle a layer of mozzarella chesse on top. Remove when cheese is nice and bubbly on top. Also when I make it I use a mixture of ground beef and ground Italian sausage for the meat sauce and I usually use Classico pasta sauce, since I don't like going through the hassle of making my own pasta sauce, when I want lasagna on a whim since my homemade pasta sauce takes 5-6 hours of cooking on a very slow simmer. Now if I plan to make it, I do make my own sauce, and I make enough to have some for other times I need sauce.

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Robb said:
I have three goals for my Sundays; sleep late, do nothing all day, and cook a good dinner. Simple! As much as possible, ANY weekend projects I have are done completely on Saturday, so that I may do nothing on Sunday. It is MY day, my day to SIT and enjoy it!!
hehe, the typical Saturday hit earlier this evening! I did EVERYTHING I needed to do today, just to give me the ability to have my lazy Sunday! My Sunday was set! :thumbsup:

Then, after dinner, the wife and I were outside on the back porch. Then, I was ready to go in, and she wasn't, so she placed her body in front of the back door to block me. I went on the offence, as I normally do, with a good tickling right below her rib cage. She laughs and replies, "that is so wrong that you would tickle me just to go inside before I do." She then places her body against the storm door, as I continue to tickle.

Then, BAM!

Her butt breaks through the lower portion of the storm door, which is real glass (surprised us too)! I would have thought that was plexi, but nope, glass goes flying everywhere!! :p

I could just get another panel made up, but the door is old, and doesn't have any screen panels, so I just removed the whole thing. Now, my lazy Sunday becomes "go get a screen door and install it" Sunday! :rolleyes:

Have fun tomorrow Robb! :p

Robb do you do house calls? I could use a screen/storm door too. :D

Aw man.. I thought you were gonna give us a ****ish story. Your story sucks.

I think he needs a new wife :)

jasonb said:
Aw man.. I thought you were gonna give us a ****ish story. Your story sucks.

Yeah, with pics!:D

You wife just needs a new Saturday goal. It's called "step lightly, and don't touch or do anything" Otherwise you will never have a Sunday to yourself. BTW what is the makeup sitting on and what are those specks on the wall behind it? :eek:

AspenX said:
Robb you should tell your wife that when you got the bottle out the lid was loose and full of water. :D And of course you thoughtfully poured it off for her.

No no! You tell her 3 days later! :D

jasonb said:
Aw man.. I thought you were gonna give us a ****ish story. Your story sucks.

What a bore. I stopped reading after "butt breaks" :cool:

Stephen said:
Not to mention the screen door will be some terrible size that they have to order and guess when it'll come in? Yep, next Sunday. ;)
LOL!!!! ALMOST so true!!! :thumbsup:

The front door on my house is 84", and I know that special ordering one of those bad boys is $300+, just for a dam storm door! :eek: But I knew the back door (the one that broke) was standard 80", and after taking a quick measurement of the width, I ripped the old one out Saturday night, thinking that is was standard, 30x80.

Now, and maybe I am showing a little age here, but 30x80 IS a standard door size! I know for a fact that LOADS of the late-'40s and '50s houses around here use that size as back/side doors. They are very common around here.

Wake up Sunday, go to Lowes................NONE! Go to Home Depot..........ONE! They have one style of 30x80 storm door! The "door" guy there even tells me that they only order/stock that one just because there are a "few older houses out there that have them." You idiot, there are gobs of houses out here that use them!

And let me tell ya something about installing a "storm door kit." I have installed, trimmed, and painted complete pre-hung entry doors in less time, and with less hassle, than this dam storm door! They are a complete PITA! :thumbdwn:


I knew it LOL.

The house we lived in before this house was built in 1961, a 2000 square foot split level contemporary rambler. NOTHING in that house was standard. Nothing. You couldn't even go buy A/C vent registers, they wouldn't fit. When we built this house I specified EVERYTHING be standard size.
