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My Strobe Video

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Thats pretty awesome. But I bet the neighbors think the law is in your

Johnny Law would be have someone to compete with. How much did all of that cost you.

I got it off eBay, power supply with 4 strobes for $80.

Looks like a crime scene to me. Nicely done. :)

draft said:
Looks like a crime scene to me. Nicely done. :)
Thank you. It sure draws attention with the alarm sirens and strobes going off. I've also got a backup battery for the alarm, so anybody that has enough bravery to break in, pop the hood, and undo the battery, will likely give up after disconnecting the battery does nothing.

Cool, where you live again? :D

lol I love the setup though; it honestly looks like it came straight out of an PD patrol car. I'm sure you made the neighbors happy. :)

Not bad setup. Can't wait till my project is finished.. My boss owns high performance motors in VA and I kind of gave him the suggestion of turning my truck into a Police/Fire/EMS demonstrator vehicle with working lights & sirens.. So far on the list is 2 Whelan 90 Watt 6 pack strobes, one Federal Signal PA300 siren & PA, A Pillar to A pillar LED light bar on the bottom of the windshield where the dash meets it, rear led light bar.. Of course gonna have the DC FOP Associate sticker on it along with the Thin Blue line decal.

That sounds real cool. I just wanna gain more attention when my alarm goes off. Now they'll see and hear it. These things are so bright, a neighbor asked me what was going on the next day. It's real hard to tell the strobes are in there when they're turned off. Thanks for the comments everyone!

Looks good looks real good i have wig wag head lights and 2 strobes in each tail light for and x pattern like bottom left top right, top left bottom right but im having some issues with my lights right now i think i blew a power supply cause only one tail light is working my high beam bulbs both blew the same time and they werent even on and i blew out one lights in each of my deck lights so i have to figure out what the hell happen when i have the free time

looks sweet

Just wondering but how do they look with the headlights on?
