My Upgrades, couple issues.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My Upgrades, couple issues..


Explorer Addict
June 20, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Anchorage, Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 5.0L V8 AWD XLT
Mac Intake
6000K Dual Beam HIDs
Mac Catback

Catback is waiting for the weekend.
Mac intake is installed... I get a slight high pitched noise on acceleration.. any fixes? Explanations?
Hids, low and high are mixed.. =\ and LOTS of Cb Radio interference.. any fix? Any Explanation?

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Hey there! (Congrats on the new job)

My cb was doing the same... it was the radio causing the problem. The radio had to be shut down completely (no time display or anything) in order to avoid interference w/cb.

I don't have that issue, it's my HIDs.. the moment I turn them off.. everything is perfect.. [Thanks.. hopefully this job works out]

do you have the hids with the digital (very small) ballasts? They have been known to give problems with interference because of the new technology for some reason. To fix it you'll have to downgrade to non spiffy (yea i said spiffy, i know haha) Hids.

Actually... I chose to get the old style kit instead of the digital kit for $$ reasons...

I was originally thinking it was the opposite, digital is clear and the old ones give these problems...

Is there anything i can do to the coax? or the power cable or something to shield it?

i don't know off hand but there are a lot of issues with them. try searching on yahoo or google since so many people are having issues. good luck.

Told ya to buy digital, look and try and shield the ballasts sure there is a way.

You get problems with the old ballasts on the radio and CB at times....i had problem with my radio big time...i didnt have a CB...soon as i went digital all my issues went bye bye.

never heard of that company before but do u got pics of the hids installed at all

Is that kit plug and play? the problem is the grounds. If it's using the stock headlight ground, It is not enough to handle the voltage that HID ballasts produce. What happens is current leakage.

Negative, they both have separate ground wires I hooked up to the screws holding the plastic piece holding the wire harness crap to the front of the engine bay? I think they're good ground points...

For 12 volts dc, yes, but HID ballasts produce thousands of volts.

so should I come up with better ground points? Do you think that'll fix this?

the plug that plugs into your 9007 headlamp (the one you would normally connect to the bulbs) two of the wires need to be switched....... tell me the colors of the wires

^^^ i would try using sheet metal to cover the ballasts maybe that will stop some of the interference, or relocate the antenna?

also how is the cut off beam on the hi and lo?

How about tin foil? [Reflective side inside]

How bout using tin foil to wrap around my coax cable also?

Is there any special EMI shielding I can buy for wires n crap?

Yes...remember the EMI shielding covering from when you buy computer parts? Look for those bags, put it in the bag and see how your respection is handled. If you wanna upgrade your ground wires...your ground on the sockets are in the center. Your low be should be on the left and your high on the right...this is looking at the socket from the top. Ill double check that for ya when i go back out in the truck tonight...

I fixed my high/low issue, and those bags you refer to are anti-static bags.. they wouldn't help with EMI's. I like having the lights grounded to the body than the stock wiring harness's.. It's better, right?

Could lead possibly help?

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