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Mysterious Oil


Owns 10,000 Marbles
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 12, 1999
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'17 F-150 FX4
Well, today I was going to install my shocks. Unfortunately, in the right front wheel well, I noticed that I threw up oil or an oil substance when driving. I checked and it was all over in it, on the frame, on the shock, everything. I immediately popped the hood to see if I could see an oil leak or any other fluid leak.

I discovered the coolant reservoir (in front of the washer fluid) was completely empty. I never remembered it being totally empty, but I figured that was the case. I filled the coolant up front and revved the engine for a good 5 minutes. No problems, checked the coolant, totally filled, although I didn't add any to the resrvoir.

However, under and a little in front of the coolant reservoir, there was a hose that seemed to be disconnected. It was COVERED in this oily substance. It seemed to be capped off, or had some sort of valve on the top. Does anyone know what this belongs to? Could this be the problem?

I want to drive the Expy to the dealer for service, but if this is a coolant hose or similar, I know that could be potentially fatal to the engine. (Although a nice new engine to replace my 85000 Mile OHV wouldn't hurt, haha). Anyways, any help is appreciated.

if I had to guess

I'd say it's the tranny cooler. Although I've had this explorer for a year, I've not gotten into it like my previous cars (mustangs) so I don't know it like the back of my hand (actually only popped the hood a few times) but thats the only thing that sounds reasonable.

Either way.. I'd just call AAA and have it towed for free to the dealer.. not worth risking the tranny.


I had planned on doing that actually. We recently upgraded to AAAPlus and I figured I might as well use it if I am able to. Unfortunately, it looks like I will be Expy-less for the week.
