Nav stopped working after MFT update | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Nav stopped working after MFT update

I have an appointment with a Ford dealership tomorrow. Does anyone know or want to guess if they'll charge me for this?

@jmr061, I bought it used, so I'm not 100% sure. I called Ford and they said it didn't have nav from factory. According to the Ford ETIS website, it did have nav from factory. I'm not sure what the Ford CSR was looking at. In the software licenses screen within MFT, nav shows that it's not expired and has unlimited uses, though I don't really know if that helps my case. Ford said that a dealer should reinstall the nav app based upon the fact it showed I had a license. It basically looks like the nav app just disappeared after the update. Thanks for the reply.

@peterk9, I will contact @FordIVTteam and see where that gets me. Thanks for the reply.

I have an appointment with a Ford dealership tomorrow. Does anyone know or want to guess if they'll charge me for this?

@jmr061, I bought it used, so I'm not 100% sure. I called Ford and they said it didn't have nav from factory. According to the Ford ETIS website, it did have nav from factory. I'm not sure what the Ford CSR was looking at. In the software licenses screen within MFT, nav shows that it's not expired and has unlimited uses, though I don't really know if that helps my case. Ford said that a dealer should reinstall the nav app based upon the fact it showed I had a license. It basically looks like the nav app just disappeared after the update. Thanks for the reply.

@peterk9, I will contact @FordIVTteam and see where that gets me. Thanks for the reply.

If you PM me the vin I can give you a definitive answer if it had nav from the factory. If it did it's a warranty repair to reflash it. If it didn't the dealer won't touch it.

I have an appointment with a Ford dealership tomorrow. Does anyone know or want to guess if they'll charge me for this?

@jmr061, I bought it used, so I'm not 100% sure. I called Ford and they said it didn't have nav from factory. According to the Ford ETIS website, it did have nav from factory. I'm not sure what the Ford CSR was looking at. In the software licenses screen within MFT, nav shows that it's not expired and has unlimited uses, though I don't really know if that helps my case. Ford said that a dealer should reinstall the nav app based upon the fact it showed I had a license. It basically looks like the nav app just disappeared after the update. Thanks for the reply.

@peterk9, I will contact @FordIVTteam and see where that gets me. Thanks for the reply.
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The dealership fixed the navigation! It did, in fact, have navigation from the factory as confirmed by the dealership and the Ford ETIS website. What happened, according to the dealership, is that I installed the wrong version of the MFT software (without navigation) and that I should have installed the update that included navigation. As a result, they told me it wouldn't be covered under warranty, since it was "my mistake". The website only gave me one option after entering my VIN, so I fail to see how it's my fault. I'm told that I must take it up with Ford customer care now, but I'm just glad it's working at this point. I haven't picked it up or paid yet, but coincidentally, the $90 I'm being charged for service is about the same price that I paid for rubber floor mats just this morning. Maybe I'll just ask which they'd prefer to have me pay for. Thanks for the help!
