need some help guys- 91 tranny in 95 truck | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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need some help guys- 91 tranny in 95 truck


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February 14, 2005
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94 sport
need some help guys- 91 tranny in 95 sport

i have a 95 sport which has an auto tranny and the tranny is going out. I also have a 91 explorer with a 5 speed. The 91 will be a donor, but what i am wondering is will the 91 tranny bolt right up to 95 4.0? I know that a ses light will be on, but i can just have the 95 flashed or put a new computer in there that is from a standard 95. Any help would be appreciated since i am doing this swap for my boss and he wants to know if i can have it done by next friday. I dont have either vehicle in my hands right now but i have an entire garage at my disposal. Thanks a bunch folks!!


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the 95 computer will flip out
you need a 95 computer (95 oNLY, 95 is the hardest year to work with its 100% 95)
for a 5 speed.
Dont forget you will need to make wiring changes to teh 95's transmission harness, make the circuits just like the 91 5 speed, using parts from the 91's trans harness.

You will also have to get the pedal assembly from a gen II I believe (not sure if they chaged in 95?) but I would try to use the 91 master cylinder and clutch line for sure.
the slave cyl can freak out if it has the wrong master

as far as the trans bolting to the 4.0L, it will bolt directly up

alright cool. What about transfer case, are they the same, and if not will i have to swap driveshafts along with the t-case.
Couldnt i just swap these and let the cel be on, i mean it would all function correctly right, it would all just be really confused right????? That way it would be driveable, and i could still work on it even though it is being daily driven.

thanks again

auto computer with a 5 speed is no beuno
yes it will run and drive

the t cases should be real similar, not the same, but similar.
are they e shift?
they will end up in the same spots, the driveshafts may be slightly diff, since the 95 is a gen II with IFS.

Research this stuff before you begin if you have a deadline, waiting for parts can kill those as I am sure you are aware....I would find a 5 speed 95 and get everything I needed at once.

both are e-shift. I just talked to the boss man and we are ordering a computer out of a 95 5 speed. He said it will be acceptable to be a 2wd for a while. You see he owns a garage and i am a mechanic at his garage. In the winter months he would like to keep me busy so i get this project since i am the explorer guru at the shop... (not that i am any type of guru, but compared to the guys i work with i know alot more about explorers then them.) So its looking like we are going to use the 91 even though 95 would be better. We have the 91 for about next to nothing and he is a bit of a tight arse and doesnt want to buy another truck for the swap.
